Who's there?

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Chandlers POV

"a drop in the ocean, a change in the weather.

I was praying that you and me might end up together, its like wishing for rain as I stand in the dessert, cause holding you closer than most because you are my heaven" I sang washing up,

I was in the shower,

home alone:(

every one was "home" visiting.

except me, and Andrea.

sister, were leaving tomorrow.

Andrea was staying the night at ardens and Lauren.

I jumped and became frightend, because I heard foot steps in my room.

I grabbed my phone which was in a water proof case, and texted Andrea.

Me: Are you home?

Andrea: no, why?

Me: Andrea, some one is in the house.

I'm scared

Andrea: hold tight, I'm coming with the girls they said your staying, even if you say no.

Me: Hurry!

I kept the shower running but I was out of the shower.

I got dressed.

but the steps were harder and harder.

I got scared, the door knob twisted. and the door flew open.

luckily it was just the girls, yes I was crying.

that's scary, of someone's in your house.

"are you okay?" she asked

"yeah" I said

I gathered my things, and got into the car.


it really sucks, being away from Shawn for a week, its not like oh he's in Connecticut, or Massachusetts, or any other state.

he's in fucking canada.

"hey baby" he said through face

"I miss you" I said

"I miss you too" he said

"why do you seem so tense? and where are you?" he asked

"well, um I was showering today and, Andrea was at the girls's, and someone was in the house.

it was scary but I'm okay, and I'm at with the girls" I said

"oh my gosh, I'm glad your okay, I woulve kissed them if they hurt you" he said

"its, okay.

no killing" I said

he laughed a bit, and that's how my night went.

face timing my baby,

get out me car.

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