chapter 75

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Chandlers POV
I feel like a potato.
Ive been in my room forever...
Texting and face timeing isn't the same. I got up & showered and got ready instead in moping all day like usual. Ive been alone with food for days. Like usual but idk. "Chandler wanna go to the mall" Taylor asked
"Sure" I said and walked out of my room.
I got into the car and we drove to the mall
At forever 21
"This is cute" I said picking up a romper thing. I just kept it bc im probably buying it. "Can we be done in here a that guy is staring us down and I don't like it.." taylor said
"Sure" I said grabbing a flannel quick bc you can never have too many. We went to the register and paid. Then we got outta the srore bc we weren't feelin' too comfortable in there with that guy...
"Chandler wanna go into the shoe store or no" Tay asked
"Yeah I do, im dragging you into my stores you're dragging me into yours now." I said lauging a little.

"Hey are these nice?" Taylor asked me. "Yeah, you should get them!" I said "yeah I should" he said.
"Damn what the hell?!" Taylor said
"What are you okay?"
"No that person followed us" He said
"Okay do you wanna get this, lemonade, & cinnamon bites, then leave?" I asked lauging
"What size cinnamon bites?"
"Extra large" Taylor said looking at me smiling.
I handed her the money.
That guy kept following us. Wtf....
We got into the car and drove home.
I got a call from shawn
"Hey" I said
"Hey babe wheres the key to the apartment in NY?"
"Under the matt"
"Okay love you"
"Thats all you called me for?" I asked
"Yeah, I love you, ill call you later" & with that he hung up...
Thats basically what he does, calls, asks a question, hangs up.
*beep* I got a text.
Told you he cant always protect you -A
Stupid ass thinking they're Charles, or andrew campbell. Or some shit. Whatever...
I walked out of my room.
"Im bored!" I yelled
"Im andrea nice to meet you bored!"
"Wheres kian?" I asked
"Filming that movie"
"Oh tru"
"Hows shawn" sammy asked
"Honestly I dont fucking know..."
"What do you mean?"
"The longest conversation we have is less than a minute"
"That sucks, im sorry"
"Its whatever"
"Jack & Madison made it official"
"Thats good im happy for them" I said happily. Bc Ive grown to like her tbh. (I actually fucking love her and I used to not)
"Matthewwww" I yelled
"Ew hoe what do you want" he said in a joking voice. We do that alot.
"You whore, you fuckin whore" (who knows what thats from?)
I looked it was shawn.
"Hey shawn"
"So shawn you seem so tied up rn"
I heard someone say. He must've butt dialed me. I hung up bc I dont wanna be nosey.

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