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Chandler POV

Tyler went home but I stayed in my room.

I heard the him phone ring and Taylor picked it up

"hello?" I heard him say

"She does ok well I will tell her" he said

an I heard knocking heard on my door

I walked out

"yes?" I said

"you're a dancer?" he asked and all eyes were on me

"Yeah why ?" I asked

"well they need you bc of a competition

"shit" I said ad ran into my room and packed my dance equipment , and ran out the door little did I know everyone was following me.

when I got to the competition I did my makeup and hair and changed into my costume. they called my name to come out to the stage and dance. "Chandler Jack" then I hear  *cough* "RUSSET" *cough* I walk out on stage to see everyone there , once my song started I started to dance which I danced to all of me by John legend

"Can I give you all of me" and did ad areal and once my dance ended the crowd went wild

I went backstage then up to the crowd where everyone was and snook behind Taylor and put my arms around him

"so why y'all here?" I asked and they all turned around

"your great why didn't you tell us you danced?" kian asked

"welp I also didnt tell you I sing but y'all won't ever hear me sing" I say with a smile

"you sing" Shawn asked

"yep" I said

"I need to go there doing placing" I said and ran to the stage

"and first for solo goes to ........... CHANDLER JACK"

I hear the every one cheering and I went to get my trophy I said "thank you" and got off stage

"cool I got this thing" I sais waving it around

"thing ? it's a first place trophy" Andrea said

"yep it is" I said

I went to the music room and started to play the piano and sing all of me

"What would I do without your smart mouth

drawin me in and you kicking me out you got my head spinning don't know what hit me but I'll be alright , my heads under water but I'm doing fine your crazy and I'm out of my mind

cause all of me loves all of you love you curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections could you give me  all of you and I'll give you all of me" I sang and then hears clapping

"holy fuck" I jumped

"Hey I said you can't hear me ever" I whined

"your amazing" Shawn said

"thanks I guess" I said

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