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do I have fans?

♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥"not ah, Matt ya lyin" I said

"Chan I promise" he said

"I'll call him about it" I said going to my room.

why would he be watching me?

did he want to come to the get together thing? he could of just texted.

I got my phone out and dialled his number.

he picked up.

"hello?" he said

"Okay, so I know you know I know, Okay that's confusing why were you watching me?" I asked

"me? no I wasn't" he said nonchalantly

"stop lying, I've never had a problem with you" I said

"I love you" he said

"hm?"I asked

"Okay, I love you

I've been in love with you

Chandler I Chris Collins love you,

I've  been depressed for weeks because the girl I love, loves somebody else" he said


"Chris I'm sorry your depressed I get how you feel, but I only like you as a friend

I have a boyfriend a serious boyfriend

and I love him, please move on from me,  it's for the best" I said

"Okay, I'm sorry" is all he said

"don't be sorry" i said back

"bye" he said

"bye" I said back

i walk back down stairs.

"so tell us" Aaron said

"uh, well he denied it at first and the he blurted that he loves me and he's depressed bc the girl he loves, loves someone else, and Yeah" I said

"well your mine and only mine" Shawn said a wrapped his arms around me,

Chris's POV

FUCKING great, Yeah I'm the unknown.

you all know now, I'm such a fuck up.

that's it,  I'm done.

I wrote my letter, with said

dear guys,
I've been depressed for a while now,
this is not Chandler's fault, I love her.
but she loves someone else,
I'm hurt, I say I'm fine but I'm not.
people think "Oh hes a guy, he's fine"
but I'm not, I'm broken.
I love you guys

I tied the rope around my neck.

"CHRIS NO" Crawford yelled

but it's too late, darkness took over.

Chandler's POV

I was getting a call from Crawford,  were fine.

were friends,

"hello" I said

"chandler you need to come to the hospital, Chris tried to kill himself" he said sniffling

"I'm on my way!" I shouted

I dropped my phone, and cried,

you may not know it but me and Chris are so close.

"babe what's wrong?" Shawn asked

"c-chris tried to kill him self" I cried

they looked shocked.

I got into my car by my self I didn't want anyone going, and I drove to the hospital crying.

I ran through the doors, and I saw Crawford balling his eyes out,  he's sitting there alone.

"crawf" I said

he stood up and came to me.

I wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry" I said

"he's awake!" the doctor said

"family only" he said again

"this his brother, and I'm his cousin" I said and we went in.

"Chris I'm so sorry" I said

he looked at me "it's not your fault" he said

I went you and hugged him.

"I love you, but a brother way" I said

"I know, I love you too" he said

I kissed his forehead,

"get some rest" I said

I quickly updated so you guys would know.
I hate when writer do that Lol,

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