Taking A Stand

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Worst case of writers block ever! I'm so sorry it took so long guys. Hope you're not too mad.

I woke up in the middle of the night and found that there was something different in the air. I could feel that something was wrong. I went downstairs, my front door was wide open with a strange light coming through it. The outline of a man stood in it's wake.
"Help me Merlin.. I need you're help. I can't do it alone Merlin."
I started to move to the light but I didn't seem to be getting any closer. "ARTHUR!"
Just then I was sitting up in my bed, the sun burning through my window. It was a dream. But I still felt like it was real. "I should go to the lake.." I got dressed and rushed down to the lake, only to find dozens of men in hardhats and a few in black suits surrounding the lake. It had started!
The Prim Minister had already begun his work!? As I got closer to the lake two men in hardhats stopped me.
"Get out'a here kid. Construction workers only" one sweaty man said. I calmly stepped away and looked at the lake from afar.
I could feel it's magical energy being twisted and confused. It was almost as if it was calling for help. I began to walk around the perimeter, trying not to be seen, and that's when I saw them. Two of the three strange men from the other night. They hurt Zena. I should've known they were involved. But where was the third man? I could only see the fat older man, and the one who chased me away. If they planned Zena to be attacked and are connected to destroying the lake, then for some reason they don't want Lake Avalon to survive.
"Think merlin think!"
The men were about to start sucking out the water and digging up the earth. Something had to be done, but only Zena can stop this madness. I knew by the time I got her down here it would be too late. I didn't want to give up but.... I didn't see a light at the end of my tunnel.
Just then I saw someone coming down to the lake. Someone in a bright blue jacket and lavender boots.
It was Zena! And she was holding my spell book. I quickly ran down to meet her.
"What are you thinking?! You're not ready yet! The magic you need is far beyond you."
But she didn't stop. "There was a boy," she said. "A boy beyond all odds became the greatest sorcerer to have ever lived. Do you think he did that by listening to words such as yours?"
".... Please.. Zena you could get hurt trying to do this!" I argued back. But the girl had no interest in what I was saying. "At least.. Let me support you.."
She turned toward me as looked me in the eye. "You have magic powerful enough to help me.. With you I know I can do this."
I didn't expect her to gain such confidence so quickly. Zena was moving at a much faster pace then I did. But if she thought she could do it I knew she could. I took her hand in mine and marched on with her. Past the construction men, even past the strange men from before. They all seemed to be stunned by us. Expect for one.
"You two there! Not another step!"
The prim Minister himself had stepped out of the small crowd of men in black suits, they must've been his body guards because they all tried to stop him from approaching us.
"I'm sorry sir but we can't leave," said Zena, not even recognizing the fact that this man was Prim Minister Adam Scarlet. The man appeared to be in his late forties and had touches of gray hair on him head. He was tall and slander, he didn't seem very use to the outdoors seeing as he wear a suit to a muddy lake.
"You children are not allowed here. It's privet property now," said Scarlet with a snooty attitude.
"This lake belongs to the community-"
"Well it just so happens the community would prefer a children's summer camp father then a lake. A child could've drowned here- children have drowned here. And wasn't it you, young lady who was attacked her not too long ago?"
Zena and I were surprised that the Prom Minister would know of such small facts like this. Our town isn't that important, let alone the little news we get in it.
Never the less I had to find someway to get Zena to the lake.
"Well.. If you're really going to do it, let us say goodbye." I looked at him with a sincere look on my face. The man at first didn't seem moved by it, but then Zena looked at him as well and he simply couldn't refuse.
"Be quick." He grumbled.
We both quickly walked down to the shore of the lake.
"Ok.. Do you think there's a spell in the book that could help me?" She asked me. But I shook my head.
"No.. I don't think this is the kind of magic you'll find in my book. We'll have to use the magic in ourselves." She seemed terrified by the idea. "You're the one who wanted to come down here so badly. I know you can do it. Don't say a thing just focus on the lake." She held my hand closed her eyes, I did the same.
"Imagine the history behind this lake, you know it. Feel the magical energy."
Behind me I could hear the men laughing, I could imagine that we looked a little silly but I didn't care. Her stood our ground and focused ourselves on the lake. It wasn't long before construction workers tried to stop us.
"Alright kids you've had your fun," one said behind us, but we didn't move. "No really, we have to get to work." We still didn't move. The man put his hand on my shoulder, trying to pull me up but he didn't. Instead I heard a yell and a thud.
Was he thrown to the ground?
I kept my eyes closed, not waning to brake the concentration. Soon I could feel the magic energy from the lake starting to touch my soul. It was uplifting.
"I'm not stick'n round here!" I heard another man say. I still didn't know what was going on, but I felt a light on me face and a wind in my hair. I could feel a great deal of energy coming from Zena. Her, mine, and the lake's power seemed to be merging together. The magic was building up, it started to burn painfully inside me.
"Ahhh!" I could hear Zena screaming, she must've felt it too. The power was strong and overwhelming. I started to scream as well. The magic was too much!

Suddenly I was face down on the ground, Zena beside me. I sat up and look around. All the men had gone, even the strange men and the Prim Minister.
"Did we do that?" Zena asked in disbelief. I nodded slowly and turned to face the lake. What I saw before me nearly stopped my heart.

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