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Later that night I sent Zena back home with some candles, telling her to stay away from the windows and that she should sleep in her basement. The storm got worse as the night went on. I eventually fell asleep in my chair, most likely snoring all night.

When I woke up there was a tree branch in my face. I pushed it out the way and saw that it had crashed through my window. There were people outside so I decided not to fix it myself. I put on a coat and stepped outside. There was about five inches of water at the bottom of my pouch steps. I looked over to the house next to mine and Zena was wearing rain boots, dumping out buckets of water. she was soaked from the waist down. "My dear child you're soaked!" I called out to her. She laughed and said "yeah!" She began to make her way to my portch, "I slept in the basement like you said and it flooded horribly." I chuckled at the matter, "I apologize for giving you faulty advice."

"That's alright, if I slept in my room I'd be covered in cuts from the glass of my broken window. A metal trashcan lid flew into it."

I looked around the street, everyone had their rain boots on, taking storm debris out of their house and yards, or bringing lost items back in.

"We were lucky," Zena sighed, "people on the other side of town are practically drowning.. But I'm sure the rescue teams are on it." I nodded in agreement.

This storm wasn't normal, it was too drastic for a simple April shower. This was like a hurricane!

Later that day I decided to use magic to fix up my window and get rid of the water in my basement. I honestly didn't feel like finding someone to do it for me. The water levels began to go down throughout the day. As the sun began to go down Zena came knocking on my door.

"You remembered to lock it" she said as I let her in. She was wearing all black and had a flashlight in her hand. "I'm going to the lake" she explained, "There are bound to be rescue teams there trying to get fresh water and I wouldn't want to get caught snooping."

"Yes yes" I muttered, "thank you for this favor." She smiled lightly and said "this is more of an adventure then a favor."

She set off for the lake, I watched her walk down the street and disappear around the corner. I waited for her return for hours, until the sun went down. I began to think we didn't find anything and simply went home.

I turned on my radio and sat in my comfy chair. I listened to the news sometimes, all the good, bad, and boring things about this little town. I wasn't even really listening until a heard a familiar name...

"Breaking news," the reporter man said, "a young girl, Zena Williams, was found unconscious and badly wounded. She was located on the banks of Avalon lake, local authorities rushed to the scene and took the young girl to the hospital. No further updates on her condition."

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