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There was a man walking towards us out from the water, as if a zombie rising from the dead. But he wasn't lifeless, he was more like a spirit rising from the earth. His body and face was covered in mud and sand, as if he were sleeping under the bottom of the lake. His eyes examined the two of us with great caution, not sure if we were enemies or friends, but he turned his attention to Zena. He's judgmental glare softened on her.
"I saw you" he said simply. But his voice was familiarly strong and direct. Zena, who instead of looking the man in the eye, kept her eyes to the sky.
"You girl, look at me."
At his order she slowly moved her eyes down to meet his.
"Wh-who are you..?" She asked, there was a slight trimmer in her voice. The man did not answer her question, he simply said, "my name is all but forgotten miss..." He lowered his gaze to the ground, realizing that he had lost his memory. But just then he remembered one crucial fact, and the reason Zena didn't look him in the eye. He was completely naked!
The man seemed to have fully analyzed the situation but didn't change his attitude. He simply nodded and continued questioning us.
"Can you tell me where I am?"
"How about we talk once you get some clothes on?" I suggested. The strange man nodded in agreement, "if you insist."
I gave him my jacket to cover himself but he wouldn't take it, I guess he doesn't understand what being naked means just yet. Of course when people on the street started laughing or walking away he quickly took me up on my offer.
I don't know why.. But I couldn't admit to myself that this man was Arthur.. At least not yet. I couldn't clearly see his face because of all the mud and he didn't seem to remember me or even his own name. But I couldn't deny to manly stride he walked with; his shoulders were naturally broad they were held back, his perfectly squared chin was held high as if it would hurt him to let it down just for a moment. Despite the fact that he was naked he carried himself with a natural pride. It all reminded me of him. Of my king.
When we got back to my house I told the muddy man he couldn't come in. "You're not trailing mud all over my floor." I took him into the back yard. "Zena, can you go inside and prepare some food?" She nodded, still bashful, and went inside.
"What are you going to do?" He asked.
"I'm going to clean you."
Without warning I sprayed a freezing cold water hoes on his body.
"Ahhhh! C-cold! It's cold!" He yelled.
"Yes I know. It'll clean you faster"
I wasn't sure if that was true but the whole scene was pretty funny. He would try to run away from the freezing water but I would just aim at him where ever he went.
Once he was clean, I didn't look at his face, I still didn't want to see if it was really him. I wasn't ready. After centuries of waiting I wasn't ready. But the strange man didn't care. He stood in front of me, broad shoulders, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes.. And what seemed to be a permeant look of anger on his face. It truly was him. There was no question about it. This was him. I felt my soul brighten as I looked into the eyes of my old friend.
"Why are you looking at me like that Merlin?" He asked.
"Y-you remember my name?"
"I.. I don't know why I do.. Do I know you? Merlin?"
"Yes my name is Merlin, you are Arthur!" I said enthusiastically. I was so happy I didn't know what to do with myself. I knew he didn't understand why I was so cheerful but that was ok. I knew, that after so long, was going to get my friend back. But I had to get under control, there are still many problems and questions floating about.
"I think your memory is flowing back to you. Come inside. Dry off get some clothes on. Zena is preparing something for lunch."
Zena made ham sandwiches and cut up some apples for us. When we all sat down to eat Arthur was sitting uncomfortably in my old clothes that he was clearly to big for.
"You're a very small boy Merlin." He said.
"We can't all look like you do. And I'll have you know I'm not a boy, I'm 18."
He ignored my comment and turned his attention to Zena. "Thank you for preparing this meal. What is your name?"
"Zena.. It's spelt with a Z. Most people say it should have an X but it's a Z..." Realizing Arthur had no interest in the spelling of her name, she asked about him.
"So. How did you get into the lake?.. How did you come out of it?"
"Well, I came out of it because of you. I remember seeing you. I asked you for help and you helped me. I am forever in your debt." Zena smiled widely as his approval, as did I. I knew she could do it.
"How is your memory coming along?" I cut in. Arthur didn't respond right away, "it's strange, I keep seeing names that I can't put with faces yet.. I see.. Weapons and horses.. I see the lake. I see you Merlin."
"Well... I could tell you about your past," I suggested. "You can fill in the blanks yourself."
"I think that would be very helpful."
I took Arthur into the living room, holding Zena's book in my hand. I sent her into the other room so Arthur and I could talk alone. I told her I would tell him the story of King Arthur, but really I was going to tell him the story of the man I knew. Zena, and much as she would love it, couldn't hear any of it. She'd question why I knew all these things that the story never mentioned.
Sooner or later I would have to tell her my secret... I didn't want to lie to her anymore. But I would have to find a way to do it later. For now I had to focus on Arthur.

Once a King Always a King (Merlin Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora