Powdered Posion

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A few days later Zena was released from the hospital but didn't go to school right away. The day after she was released she came to see me.

"Ok so you left this note with me at the hospital saying to come see you." She said as she came through the door, rather aggressively, "I hope this is about what happened at the lake because I'd really like to get to the bottom of this rubbish."

"Why so grumpy?" I asked

"I'm on pain killers. They effect my mood. Now, the matter of the lake." She sat down in her blue-green chair, I sat in my comfy red one.

I didn't think I should tell her what I really believed; that Arthur, the once and future king, had retuned because a some magical force that threatens the United Kingdom and he is now called to our side, and now needs help leaving the lake completely. That may be a little over whelming. Although I thought I should be able to explain her powers without her thinking she was a witch or something. But before I could even tell her my theory she already spoke the truth. Again she was aggressive and cut throat about it.

"My experiences with the dead and the yet to be born could be explained with psychic ability but I don't think that's what it is. It's something more then the sixth scent of mankind. It's magic."

My eyes widened at her, wondering to let her know I believe that as well or dismiss the idea.

"Now child, we cannot jump to conclusions-" she cut me off there. "Just by you saying that proves you believe in magic and think that I may posses it!" She looked around and realized she had gotten up from her chair and stepped toward me, and had me leaning back in my chair. She sat back down and looked at her feet. "I'm sorry" she said, "I know I'm pretty angry about this.. it's just I've had a few days to think this over. And I know not everyone believes in magic like I do but it existed once which means it still does now.." Her voice trailed off. Tears rolled down the pour girl's cheeks. How could I deny her the truth now?! I could look into her eyes and tell all she wanted was to know I believed her. Looking at her I saw a little bit of myself. Lost and confused, with no one to turn to. Zena doesn't understand the power she possessed. She also had a bit of Morgana in her. If I don't guide her she could turn out the same way.

"Calm down my child," I spoke softly, "All your questions will be answered soon.. I think it's time we both go to the lake."

She didn't question me. I put on my coat and we went walking to the lake. On the way there I couldn't help but notice that there was a sign there saying 'New Children's camp coming soon!'

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked, completely baffled. "Oh, yeah.. The prim minister is having this places turned into a summer camp for kids," Zena explained, "even though there are so many objections." I found it interesting how Prim Minister William Parris would want to destroy such an important landmark. It's outrages! It's never been a problem before.

As we got to the shore of the lake, Zena guided me to the spot where they found her. She seemed to be shaking, and I don't think it was the cold air. "We should look around the crime scene," I announced.

"What crime scene?" She asked. "Well you were attacked, were you not?"

She nodded, seeing my reasoning. As we looked around I found practically nothing to suggest magic or anything sinister. Until I found something purple powder smeared across a rock. I took it up on my fingers and smelled it. It was a deadly poison; wolfsbane.

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