Spell Book

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When I took Zena back to my house I went down into my basement, she followed me down. She stopped to admire my collection of magical objects and ingredients. "Pretty nice isn't it. I.. My grandfather, collected special plants and items you don't normally find anymore."
I pulled her away from my collected and towards an old wooden box that contained most prized possession. Box itself was falling apart. But what lied inside had remained still in time. I opened the box and lifted a large, leather-bound book. The book my dear mentor, Gaius, gave to me when he first found out that I possessed magic.
"Alright Zena, this book has just about everything you need to know about spells, potions, certain plants, curses, magical creatures.. So anything"
She looked at the book with amazement. "I never thought I would be holding an actual spell book, let alone learning from it. Could I try something out?!" She asked, hardly able to contain her excitement.
"Calm down Zena, this isn't something you just try out, it takes great concentration and focus to be able to master-"
I stopped talking when I saw it. The spell book was floating right before my eyes, and Zena had her eyes locked on it. The book came to her and landed in her hand. "I think I'll get it," she said with a smirk.
"Alright alright," I muttered, backing down. "just don't be reckless about it. Magic is powerful and you don't want to mess with it."
She took the book over to the corner of the room and looked at it. "It's so old. It must contain thousands of secrets and spells." She wide-eyed girl opened to the first page of the book.
She flipped through a few more pages
I could tell she was really into it. I was about to leave her to study it when she got my attention. "You know a lot about magic," she stated. "Did Mr. Ambrosious teach you that?"
"Uh.. Yes he did.." I hesitated
"But you said he didn't really tell you about magic, just that you were special."
"He did tell me I was special." I went on to change the subject.
"Now I'm giving you this book to study and learn from. I hope it benefits you." I started to fiddle with my things. I noticed by herbs and other ingredients had gone untouched for some time now. I've been out of practice. But hopefully that would change soon. With all that's been going on I'm sure that I'll be back to making all kinds of potions again.
"These spells are all really hard to pronounce," I heard Zena say from behind me.
"You'll get the hang of it. It's spells are written in the language of the old religion," I explained.
"What's that?"
"Well.. It's kind of like a religion based of magic of the Earth. That's the best I can explode it," I told her. "One day you'll feel it's power."
"Wow," Zena whispered, staring into the book of spells. "I hope I'm up to it.. Do you think I'm up to it?"
I smiled and patted her on the back, "I wouldn't have given you the book if I thought otherwise.
For most of the day I went over a few basic spells with her, not yet casting them, but just how to pronounce them and what they do.
"Have you seen this book before?" She asked. "You know a lot about it."
"Yes well, I've always been interested in these things. I guess I just grasp it quickly."
Zena seemed to notice my knowledge on the spell book and other things having to do with magic. I don't know if she suspects it, but if she found out the truth about me, she wouldn't ever trust me. She may not even trust magic.

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