Three Strange Men

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I thought Zena would have come to the sense of her powers quicker then this, but she obviously needed a push.
One night I went out to the lake simple to observe. But when I got there saw something stage. Three men were standing there and none of them looked happy. One was short as round in a long trench coat. One was tall and lean, he looked pretty young. The third man looked even more mysterious. I hid in the shadows of the trees and tried to stay quite. These men looked suspicious just standing at the lake, but there were talking. So I muttered a spell to listen to their words.
"This has to happen much sooner then a week!" Said the younger man. "We can't afford to wait that long." The short round man raised his hand to silence the boy, "Patience, there is nothing to stand in our way.... Although there is that girl."
The mysterious man spoke up. "She has been taken care of. After her little accident she won't even want to set foot on the lake again."
"But she saw what happened when she was out there," said the young man. "He came to her.."
He? Who was this he? Could they be talking about Arthur?
"If she can see him the girl has magic.... on the other hand there's no one to teach her anything. She'll most likely shove it down in her memory."
These strange men must be sorcerers or else they would've known anything about magic. And I also concluded the mysterious man was the one who attacked Zena. At this point I felt it was a little dangerous for me to stick around. I about the walk away when...
"Look.. Is that a person over there in the shadows?" Asked one of the men I tried to slip out of sight but sadly that only made the matter worse. "There. It's a boy I think." I turned to the men, still not getting a good look at their faces. At this point they were approaching me slowly. I quickly ran away from the lake and out to the road. One of the men, most likely the younger one, ran after me. He was catching up and I had to act fast. One impulse, my eyes glowed and large a tree branch fell on the road right after I ran past the tree it fell from.
"Oh let him go," I heard in the distance, but I didn't stop. I ran all the way to my house.
Once I got in I drank some water and went up to my room.
I laid on my bed to think. Those men attacked Zena and know about magic, two very bad things. I wouldn't be surprised if they had anything to do with the distraction on Lake Avalon as well. Or perhaps I wasn't looking at the picture the right way. I sighed not knowing what to think, I hadn't been filled with that much adrenaline in a long time. My heart was racing and my hands were shaking. It felt good, but it didn't allow me to think straight so I tried to calm myself down and wait until morning to give it more thought.

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