Magic eyes On the Lake

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When Zena and I went into the shopping area she dragged me in and out of all the stores but I was hardly satisfied with anything there. Not until I saw something perfect on a mannequin.
"Are you sure you want this?" She asked, "it's not very different from what you were wearing before."
The mannequin was wearing a a light brown jacket, dark jeans, and a blue shirt with a red scarf.
"I love it," I said. We went in the store and I bought the clothes in my size. When we left the store I felt a little better.
"Did your grandfather tell you I loved shopping?" Zena asked. I quickly nodded, remembering that I was my grandfather. "He told me a lot about you.."
"Oh really... He didn't tell me anything about you," she said slightly suspiciously. "I thought he was a.. A loner his whole life." I looked down at the side walk, wanting to change the subject. "So what's this special thing he was helping you with? How did you tie into it?" I asked. Zena didn't answer.
"Look Zena," I said, "You don't know me. I just pop up out of nowhere the day my grandfather dies and I'm petty anonymous.. But I know what's going on is really important, I'd like for you to trust me."
She looked at me, still a little unsure. "Let's just get something to eat, there's a café around the corner." I nodded went with her to the café. Although I wanted this to go a lot quicker, I knew I couldn't just ask her to trust me and help me with my quest. It was my quest in the first place but the Earth has chosen her to help, and if shopping and eating a café gets me there I'm willing to do it.
As we set in the café stinging eating sandwiches. I personally never went to cafés because I hate coffee.
"This is nice little place, it even had a television in the corner," I said looked at it. "You still say Television?" She asked.
"Yes I do.."
I watched the Television and the news was one. The Prim Minister Richard Gold was on, the man who wants to destroy Avalon Lake..
"Good afternoon everyone." He said, I'm here to discuss my decision to transform Cavion Lake-"
"Avalon Lake!" I yelled at the television, "he doesn't even know the name."
"The lake has been a sight for dangerous activity for years. Just last week a young girl was violently attacked at the lake! So I've taken it upon myself to turn this useless landmark into a lovely summer camp for children. The lake will the drained and and construction will start on next week on Friday."
"Friday! Why so soon?" I asked out loud. "Why does he want to destroy the lake so bad."
"I don't know.. We should go there soon, maybe right now. We only have a week to... Get this done" Zena left some money on the table and got up. I followed her.
We walked to the lake and sat on it's bank. It was just as beautiful as it had always been. The tower had been broken down but other then that it was perfect. I looked over at Zena, the water reflecting of her big brown eyes, she looked lovely but worried. "what was it my grandfather wanted you to do here?" I asked trying not to sound to intimidating. She looked at me and shook her head, "you wouldn't believe me if I told you," she whispered. "Try me Zena.."
She looked at me then out to the lake. "Last week we had a really bad storm and he thought it was a sign that.. That we'll be needing help soon. And I'm suppose to call upon this helper."
I looked at her, "Aurthr.." I breathed. "You have to bring back Aurthr."
"You believe the story of king Arthur and Merlin the Great? Better yet you believe I'm suppose to bring the king back?"
"It doesn't matter what I believe, what do you believe Zena?" I asked her, but she went silent. "Well you better figure it out soon, because whatever my grandfather was so afraid of is on it's way, wether the rest of the country know it or not."
Zena looked out to the lake. "Whatever we do with this lake we have to figure it out within the next week. Or find a way to save it."
"I like the second choice better," I chuckled.
Looked at her I could see so many things. I saw joy, wonder, fear, magic. Zena was a complex girl and if showed. It was most excited to see how all this would play out, but focus remained on the lake and how we would utilize it, and hopefully save it.

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