Stange Events

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Later that night, after Zena had gone home, I heard a clap of thunder. I simply thought it was a thunderstorm passing over, but then it started raining heavily. At least two inches of rain was flowing down the streets within the hour. I had a feeling the power would go out soon so I got some candle sticks out. I thought of how I should light them. It had been a few mouths since I used some magic, so I waved my hand and lit the candles in the room, I even managed to light the fireplace. Normally I try not to use my magic so much, but I still practice every now and then so I'll be ready if ever I shall need it. I sat down in my comfy red chair and listened to wind and rain. I felt a little worried. This wasn't any ordinary storm. Could this be a sign? I shook the thought from my head, trying not to let my young self get into my head. I sometimes still feel like I'm eighteen years old, even though I've lived for centuries, growing old, faking my death and moving on as an eighteen year old all over again. The thought of continuing the cycle came to mind, but then I thought of Zena, I didn't want to leave her just yet. She still had her part to play. I didn't know what it was yet, but I had to be there when it came.

Just then my door swung open, I thought it may have been Zena herself coming to check on me, but it wasn't. Only the wind. I got up and closed the door, only for it to swing back open. That's when I heard a faint whisper; "Emrys." I thought my mind was playing tricks on me but then I heard it again, "Emrys... The time.. The time Emrys."

My heart nearly failed. I couldn't breath. That's when I saw a figure coming into view, I could barely see through the rain. Was it the person who called to me? Was it a fellow socerer?

"Mr. Ambrosius?" Said Zena's sweet voice. I saigh, relived there was no danger, yet disappointed there wasn't any. "What are you doing Zena? You'll catch a death of cold out there! Or get swept away in the water!" I said pulling her inside and shutting the door. Her lime green raincoat was highlighted by the candles.

"I came to check in on you" she explained, "I was worried about you, and my parents had gone out to a friends house and I doubt they'll be back tonight with all this." I smiled lightly. It warmed my old heart to know that someone still cared. "Well come in by the fire child, you're freezing." she nodded and sat on the emerald green sofa, I sat in my comfy red chair, which was now by the fire.

"What a storm!" Zena exclaimed, "it seems pretty bad out there. All the lightening coming down, I even saw one hit the old tower!" I looked at her in disbelief, "what did you say?" I asked. She repeated, "lightening hit the old tower in the middle of Avalon Lake, even the water was buzzing with electricity." It could've been a coincidence, or not. I felt like I should've left it alone, but how could I ignore a clear sign? First the voice now this?! I had to do something, but I couldn't do it myself, not in this old state.

I turned to Zena, "with this nasty weather I'm guessing your school classes will be cancelled, yes?" She nodded happily. "Good good.. I was hoping you could to be a favor." She nodded quickly, clearly eager to do some work. I looked into the fire and said, "this are strange times my child.. And I need you to investigate. I would like for you to visit the old lake, and take a picture of it, and anything that seems out of the ordinary."

"But sir-" she stated, I didn't give her time to finish, "only after the rain has stopped. I only wish to make sure nothing strange has happened. I'd go myself but this weather makes my bones much more useless then they already are."

The young girl looked at the fire, thinking if over, then turned to me. "Alright I'll go. But what is it you're looking for?" I simply smiled and said, "The impossible"

Authors note: thanks guys for reading! Please tell me what you think so far, and if there's anything you wish for me to add let me know.

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