"Everyone has a mom."

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TW: general destruction, blood, injuries and dead bodies
Please be cautious if you're squeamish!
- J

Bucky and Sam find you as everyone begins to disperse. Sam hands you a small ear piece and you promptly set it on.

"Press to speak." He instructs and you nod, already familiar with the device.
"Alright, Tony and I will take to the sky and you guys cover as much ground as you can. Don't play the hero, call for help if you need it." Sam gives your arm a little squeeze before turning to Bucky.

"You take care of my girl, cyborg." His words are playful but he means it.

Bucky rolls his eyes at your friend but his voice's perfectly amicable. "I happen to be good at my job, buddy. Now get your ass out of here."

Sam smirks as he puts his goggles on. "That's America's ass you're talking about."
"You're America's ass." Bucky mutters under his breath as Sam walks away, getting a weak chuckle out of you.

The both of you start walking, hitting up one of the collapsed buildings in search for survivors. It's a small church with white painted walls. Well, it was. Bucky starts throwing pieces of wreckage out of the way effortlessly as you stand back, barely standing on your knees.

He looks back to face you with an annoyed expression. "Are you planing on helping anytime soon?"
You shift in place, hoping your voice doesn't come out as shaky as your hands. "I uh... I'm nervous."

Bucky lets out a sigh and walks up to grab your shoulders gently. "You can do this." He tries to reassure you with piercing blue eyes. "There's a lot of people here who need your help."

You nod your head, swallowing your fear as best as possible.

"Don't make me throw a knife at you." Bucky smirks and you smile back to him.
"That'd probably help, to be honest." You laugh sarcastic. "The magic comes out a lot better when I'm angry."

The soldier shrugs his shoulders. "Then get angry."
"I can't just turn it on, I'm not the Hulk." You fold your arms across your chest and chew down on your lip.
"You seemed pretty angry when that FBI agent was talking to you." Bucky retorts, provoking you.

You blink at him, surprised he even noticed the brief interaction. "I wasn't angry I was just... annoyed."
"Really? What were you annoyed about?" He presses on and you take a few seconds to decide if you should tell him or not.

"She was talking about you." You let out a breath and look down at your feet, avoiding his cocky smirk. "Drooling's probably more accurate."

Bucky chuckles darkly and rounds you to stand at your behind. His voice comes out low on the back of your neck.

"Maybe I should go find her then."
You roll your eyes and uncross your arms, placing your hands at your hips instead. "That's not funny."

"Focus." Bucky whispers. "Maybe I should ask her out on a date."

You clench your jaw, annoyed he'd even think this was a good method to get your magic to work.

"After dinner, I'll take her home." He simply continues. "I kiss her by the door, she invites me in... Does that make you angry?"
"No." You practically growl back, lying through your teeth.

"Just imagine. Her hands on me, touching exactly where your hands should be. She's taking my clothes off, kissing me, fucking me."

His words ring in your ears and as much as you hate it, you feel the magic flowing down your arms, hot with anger. You focus on the feeling, pushing through the knot on your throat.
You raise your hands slowly, palms facing up. A dozen large chunks of concrete start vibrating before lifting up in the air. You move them away from the main wreckage, letting them fall with a bang.

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