Yolanda POV

Thanksgiving Day is finally here. The ladies have been here with the girls since Tuesday helping me prepare dinner. Anyone who knows me, knows that I like to work ahead and not wait until the last minute. We chose what dishes we wanted to cook to relieve some of the stress and it has helped tremendously. We decided to let the girls do all the baking and I must say they did a pretty good job, with only a little guidance from us. Right now, they are in Jacky’s room watching 106 & Park. They just premiered Aaliyah’s new music video “We Need A Resolution” and she’ll be on the show talking about her new album so of course they had to be glued to the TV. While we are finishing up the last of the food, I notice Cassandra with a daze look on her face. Valerie and Cheryl noticed it too.

“Hey Cassandra, are you okay?” She didn’t hear me, so Valerie had to snap her fingers in her face.

*snap snap* “Cassandra!” Valerie yelled

“Oh! I’m sorry. I’m just thinking about something.” She spoke

“You’re nervous about your brother coming, here aren’t you?’ Cheryl asked

“Yeah I am. I mean it has been 10 years since I’ve seen him. I’m not sure what to expect. After 10 years, what could he possibly want?”

“Well, did the two of you grow up together?” Yolanda asked

“No. we had different fathers. I’m the oldest of the two of us. Our father cheated on my mom with his mom, hence why they divorced. But after some time, my parents reconciled. I mean we had a relationship in the beginning, but I guess seeing my parents back together again made his mom angry, so she stopped him from coming around. We kept in contact for years up until Tam was 7 and after that I hadn’t heard from him until now.”

“Well, look I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Plus, you got us, and Tam has the girls for support. Everything will be okay.” Yolanda said

“Besides, if he tries anything, I don’t have any problem with shanking him.” Cheryl said

The women looked at her.

“Cheryl can you put your violence to the side for just one day?” Cassandra asked

“Asking her that, is like asking Al Sharpton to get rid of his perm. It won’t happen.” Valerie said laughing

“Okay well, since we have about an hour and half until dinner is ready, let’s sit in the living room and chat.” Yolanda said

“Yes please. Cause these dogs are barking.” Cassandra said

Yolanda grabbed the wine and made her way to the living room where the rest of the ladies were. She decided to save the secret stash for later on this evening.
After relaxing for a bit, the food was ready. Valerie went to let the girls know that dinner was ready and to come down. A few minutes later, everyone was seated at the dinner table ready to eat. Of course, Doe being the foodie that she is, tried to sneak her food, but to no avail, she felt Valerie pop her hand.

“We say prayer first. Since you can’t wait to eat, Doe why don’t you lead us in prayer.”

“Sure. Everyone hold hands, bow your heads and close your eyes.” She spoke

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