2) Bon Bon = Past

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Last part everyone!!
Hope you like it.


Ft. Freddy's POV

Michael puts down his tool and finally turns around. "I can help you, but you need tobfind a way to get Bon Bon out of her sight." I sigh in relief. "Thank you." I open the door to see Lolbit.

"I heard Everything! I'm willing to help if you don't mind?" I smile. "I will be more than happy if you did."

We (more like me) walk out of Funtime Auditorium.

My first time not fighting with Foxy... it feels nice.

When we (I) got to ballora Gallery Ennard has a hold of Bonnet. "Why are you holding Bonnet!?" Lolbit grabs her, but Ennard moves his wires causing Bonnet to scream.

"Threat detected on Ft Freddy's stage. Threat is now removed." Ennard tighten his wires again causing her to black out. Ennard looks at me. "I'm coming for you next." They disappear in the vents.

"So Bonnet is out of the way, then what about Bon Bon?" I ran towards the room. Opening the door I see him on the ground losing oil. "LOLBIT!" She ran into the room to find what I see. I hug her. She hugs me back trying to comfort me.

"Everything going to be okay." We hear a faint voice say. We look behind me letting her go. I slowly walk towards Bon, and pick him up. "Bon.. I-I'm sorry I didn't make it." I'm in tears. I hold hold him close hoping everything will be ok. Looking down at him I see a smile form across his face. "Keep smiling for me." Were his last words before shutting down.

"Bon!?" I look down at him. "Bon please don't leave me..." Lolbit comes up from behind and places a hand on my shoulder. "He's gone Freddy.. he lost too much oil.." I stand up with his lifeless body in my arms.

"Where's Bonnet?" I look at her. "She's in the Scooping room with Mike..." She realizes what I'm going to do, but I was out the room before she could say anything.

If I can't save you Bon.. then nobody can save me

I walk in the room to see Bonnet dismantled. I look down at Bon. "We will meet again in the future." I gave him one last hug. Before recording myself, I sit down and put Bon in my lap .

After the recording I put my memory chip on Bon's lap. Powering off before my memory's are erased I see Mike walking into the room. Everything goes black.

Michael's POV

I walk in the Scooping room to see Bonnet's dismantled body, and Ft. Freddy with Bon Bon in his lap.

He really cared for him

In Bon Bon's lap was a blue memory chip. "Mike... why do you have Ft. Freddy's memory chip?" I turn around to see C. Baby and the rest of the Circus behind me. "He took it out before shutting down." I stand up with it in hand and walk over to the computer.

Placing the chip in I see a file named 'Please listen'. I press play.

"Hey Mike... I know by time you hear this I will already be powered off. So, I left everyone this recording. Bon Bon and Bonnet got into a fight.. before me and Lolbit could save him he already lost a lot of oil."

Ft. Freddy looks down at Bon Bon.

"He had lost his memories. So, do I wait just to see him try to figure out who I really am again? No. So here I'm going to lose my memory for his sake. Please fix him first before me, and the request I have for Bonnet.

The camera moves the the body of the dismantled pink bunny. Then they went black.

"I care to much about him. Infact I loved him. I hope we get to fall for eachother again. This is a great time to say that I'm grateful to have friends like you all."

The camera opens again looking at the door.

"C. Baby, you were one of the best co-leaders anyone can have. Ballora you are to quiet at times, but you are the wisest out of us all. Ft. Foxy you are straight out annoying. But I hope we can be friends again. Yendo, if I get into anymore fights, stop me. You are the strongest person that I know."

He looks at the vents.

"Ennard I know you lost control, but dang you can be creepy at times. Also we don't want what happened to Bonnet happen again."

He looks away and stairs at the roof.

"And finally Lolbit. All of us owe you A LOT. Without you we could never be the wirdest team we are today. You are the weird person that keeps us all together. You might just already know that..

He looks back at Bon Bon.

"Well.. this was my goodbye to everyone. Have great memories.."

The sound cuts off while the screen turns black. "Wow... the only thing he wanted was to be loved." We all look at C. Baby

I turn around in the swivel seat. "I will do something about it but It will take a while.."  C. Baby nods. She leads them out of the Scooping Room.

The only ones left was now Ennard and I now left with all the work.


This did take a bit longer than expected, but I finally got it out!

Have an AMAZING Day or night!!!

My Crush (Ft. Freddy X Bon Bon)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat