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I know I haven't posted the video yet.. I will try to get it out. It's taking longer than usual because of testing, school, after school rehearsals, and sibling when I get home. T-T


Bon Bon's POV

"Well that game was... something." I said while waking up. I wait for Fred to respond but he wasn't paying attention. I look to what he was looking at. It was the portal..

"Bon.. We can go back home." I look up at him. "What are we waiting for?" Fred looks down at me. "It's been an hour. C. Baby didn't come back.. she told us to stay here."

Ft. Freddy's POV

Ft. Foxy runs into Pirates Cove. "Hey guys! C. Baby found something. She wants all of us Funtimes to be on Main Stage.

She runs off. I look down at Bon. 'I will have too tell you what is happening.' T-T

I went to Main Stage holding Bon. C. Baby was infront of it, but facing us. "All the Funtimes here?" She looks around at us. "Okay. Let's get the announcement out." We all look at her.

"The portal is here, but we don't know if it's safe.. I already let Elizabeth go, so she won't be in any harm." Lolbit walks up. "What if you get lost?" C. Baby puts her hand on Lolbit's shoulder. "Michael has a copy of my memory chip already."

She lets her go. "If I don't comeback in 2 hours.. Don't Enter." She disappears into it once again. "It's going to be a long day." Yendo and Ennard said in unison.

End of Flashback

"So that's what happened.." Fred looks down at me. "You are correct. Now we have to wait."

~Time skip from Lolbit not playing Uno~

C. Baby cane back. "Where have you been!?" Freddy ran up hugging her. C. Baby hugs back. "I was just making sure it was really the place." I jump out of Fred's  arms. "Then what are we waiting for.. Let's go Home!"

I grab Fred's
arm and try to pull him in the portal with me. I look back at him. "Come on Fred.." He looks down at me.

"Fred! Are you and Bon coming?" We look up too see C. Baby waving at us. I look back at him and whisper. "She doesn't call us by those names.." Fred picks me up, and calls out to her. "We will be there in a minute!" She dissappears into the portal.

"We need to find her." I look up at him. "Then we need to go.." He starts walking  through the portal. "Let's go find our real boss." We disappeared  into the blue orb.

When we walked through we seen our room, but it was different. When I mean different I mean darker. Me and Fred's eyes start glowing. Fred held me closer to him.

"Why is it so dark in here?"
"Who knows."

The lights came back on, and we hear someone shout. "I got it!" We say, "Lolbit." We look at each other for a little while.

What is Fred thinking about?

Fred sets me down then sets himself down. After, he pulls me into his lap! "W-what are y-y-you do-ing!?" I put my face into his shirt.

"Finishing the Dare." My eyes go wide. I look up at him. "Why!" He looks down at me. "Why not? A dare is a dare." I make a pouting face." Fine.." Fred starts blushing. He makes me look up at him again.

"Just because you agreed doesn't mean you can look away." Fred pulls me closer to him locking me in place. The lights go out again.

Our eyes start glowing again. J gaze into his big, blue, beautiful- WHAT AM I THINKING!? I NEED to snap out of this!

Fred puts his hand on my chest. "What a-are you doing?" Fredd looks up.

Ft. Freddy's  POV

What am I doing?

Bon takes my hand off of his chest. He is so warm.. How did I not know about this? I put my hand on the back on his head and start playing with his hair. It's soft. Bon puts his head on my chest.

A few minutes past and something snaped me out of my thoughts. Purring? I look down. Bon was purring. I didn't know bunny's could purr. I played with his hair a little more before putting my legs down. I stop playing with his hair. He looks up.

"I haven't purred like that in a long time." He smiles. He places his head on my chest again. He was comfortable. I kiss his forehead.

Not where I wanted to kiss you, but you are too cute to wake up.

A couple of minutes later I hear a knock at the door. Who knocks at my door? I look down to see Bon still asleep. I cover his ears. "Come in?"

Ft. Freddy walks in. "I need to reset the breakers.." She looks at us. " So that's what you two have been doing." She smirks at us. "He's sleeping.." I glare at her. She opens the breaker box and starts doing what she needs to do.

"Why couldn't Michael do it?" She looks at me. "Ennard has him in a... Tangle right now. Like you two are doing, or was." She looks away. I look down at Bon.

She's... right-

"So what are you doing sense he's asleep?" I look up at her. "I'm going to stay here." She finishes with the breaker. "Alright then. The rest of us will be playing UNO without Lolbit." Before she could walk away I caught her attention. "Ft. Foxy..." She looks at me. "Keep an eye out on C. Baby for us."

She puts her hand on her hip. "Why should I do that?" I look down at Bon. "She called be Fred and Bon Bon, Bon." I look up at her, she has a confused face. "That's weird.. I will keep an eye out." She starts walking out."Thank you.." The door shuts.

Ft. Freddy can't really take his eyes off of Bon Bon can he.
Happy holidays  and a Happy New Year!!

My Crush (Ft. Freddy X Bon Bon)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt