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We started heading back towards Quarters. I don't know how I was feeling. Kenny, was my uncle. He was the one who took care of me, saved me, taught me to survive, and then, suddenly left. And then we meet again as enemies, and now, he's gone forever. I don't know whether I was happy or sad for this. 

"What happened Mikasa?" I asked her.

"Uh, nothing" she replied.

"By the way Mikasa, whatever you heard there-" I begun hesitantly.

"Don't worry Heichou. That secret will die with me." she replied with a little smile.

"Thank You." I paused, "And ya, don't dare to blackmail me."

"Don't worry Heichou, I won't blackmail you in any case." she replied with a little bigger smile, which was shocking again, however, I was habituated to her shocks. "However, I may ask one thing from you in return.", she continued.

"I won't reduce anyone's any task" I replied.

"No I wasn't going to ask that" she replied, "I will ask whether..." she paused, "Will you?" her smile was getting bigger, "Spend time under the terrace, like that day, with me?"

"Uh-" she cut him off by saying, "Answer must not be no" with a big grin on her face which surprised me. I wasn't surprised for her big smile, means I was, but more surprising fact is she wants to spend time with me. I thought she hated me, can't bear a sight of me, she wants to spend time with me. This is bad Levi, I can't let that happen. But I can't say no to her. Grrr.

"Alright" I replied.

"By the way Mikasa, this doesn't mean you will not get any punishment for coming, in spite of being told to stay at the Quarters." I warned. For the first time, she appeared happy that I punished her, and shook her head with an unusual grin. I was completely startled. Oh my, what is going on in her mind?

We rested in the same resting place as before. I saw Mikasa observing me carefully. Sitting on the rocks, holding a cup of Black Tea, with my usual expressionless, pale face with dark circles under my eyes. With every move of hers, I was getting scared of the fate thing Petra mentioned, and I wanted to avoid it at any cost.

We reached Quarters within a day or two, in the evening, around 7. I was talking to a soldier, who informed me about an urgent meeting. When asked for the reason, he replied, "Since the arrest of Survey Corps, the cadets, Reiner and Bertholdt are missing. When we inspected, it turned out they are Titan Shifters as well, like Eren and that Female Titan."

I was shocked, but my expressions didn't say so.

"Alright, I am going to Erwin." I said and left.

We assembled in the Assembly Room.

"Scouts!" Erwin begun, "Our spies have told that Reiner and Bertholdt are seen near the walls many times.

Maybe they have damaged it or plan to damage it.

So, tomorrow we go to inspect the walls.

Our plan of recapturing Shiganshina is on hold now."

Looks like we found our traitors.

Erwin informed that Reiner and Bertholdt are from same place Annie was from, and they have the same mission as well.


After meeting was over, I went to my room to freshen up. Just then it clicked my mind that Mikasa and I have to meet on the terrace. Tch. Fine. I got up and left, along with keys to terrace.

When I reached, no one was there. Looks like I reached early. I sat on a log nearby and started gazing some stars.

Mother used to say when people die, they become stars of the sky. Maybe, that's why there are so many stars above, since I lost so many.

Suddenly, I sensed someone opening the gate.

"You're late Mikasa" I told with my usual expressionless expression.

"Sorry" she replied with a smile on my face. "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Ya ya whatever" I replied. "Is that tea?"


"Take it out, I want to drink."

"Sure, I have enough."

We sat there and drunk tea for half an hour speaking nothing.

Then Mikasa begun, "You know about Basement Mystery and all?"

I gave her a stare. then sighed and begun, "When I went to Erwin, he told me everything about his plan to regain Shiganshina, but that is on halt, due to Reiner and Bertholdt.

Erwin was sad with this."

"I know. Getting betrayed hurts." she replied.

"He wasn't sad for this." I replied. "He wanted to know Basement's secret as soon as possible."


"Don't tell anyone what I am about to tell.

When I infiltrated Erwin's prison. I heard him talking with Pixis.

He told about his past life."

Humanity's Strongest Pair- An Alternate PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now