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When we reached Marley, situation was worse than we thought. Colossal Titans patrolling city, while many Eren like Titans, known as Attack Titans, guarded the entrance to the city. We had to set our camp outside the city.

"I don't know what is going on, but something's fishy going on in the city." I said to one of the assisting officers.

It was evening, so we decided to attack tomorrow.

Everyone rested tonight, while, I was missing Mikasa. Her face, her touch, her smell, the way she used to shock me with something new, the different person who she used to be when around me, I guess, not even Eren has seen her the way I have. Or maybe I am assuming much. If its a lie, I want to live with it. I still have the handkerchief with me which I used to stop her talking before I talked to her, closely.

This handkerchief played a great role in my life. Probably, tomorrow, I may not feel it again. I may not admit it later, but I guess, I have fallen for her, bad. But, she won't accept me. I have a cut on my face, lost one eye, lost two fingers, I will be a liability. Moreover, I am much older. And whom I am fooling? I clearly know she loves Eren. I guess her little attention made me feel I am someone special.

I mean, I can understand, he saved her when she was just a child. He triggered her instinct. He is the reason, she is she now. The one whom, I am afraid, I have fallen for. I swear if I met them earlier, situation would've been different. Mikasa's parents wouldn't have been attacked. This guilt, may stop me.

I just give up now. I can't oppose fate. Petra. You won.

On remembering Petra, I was reminded of my fallen soldiers. That reminded me that this time, I will die. Not someone I care for.

It was a new day. The day when war for Paradis will begin. I'll try not any of my soldiers die, but I know my fate.

We entered the war field, faced many Titans. Colossal Titans and Attack Titans, to be precise. In this condition, fighting was way more difficult than it appeared. I can't maneuver the way I used to, which slowed me down, and made me vulnerable. Plus the fact that Colossal Titans radiate great amount of heat, and Attack Titans are quick to move. Only if I was fine, like I used to be. Grrr.

"Heichou! I think we need to call reinforcements! We can't face them." the assisting officer told.

At this moment, even I was convinced to call for the reinforcements. Reiner alone can't handle these many Colossal Titans, plus we may need Annie to face the Attack Titans, and Pieck too so that we could transport soldiers soon via Cart Titan.

"Alright! Who would be the messenger?" I asked the soldiers.

"Me!" the assisting officer replied.

"Alright! Go! We will cover you." I replied.

"No you don't!" Beast Titan said appearing out of nowhere.

Tch. Can this day go any more bad?

"Everyone! Protect them, I'll face the Beast Titan!" I ordered and grappled away.

Beast Titan ran behind me, uprooting some trees, building debris, trying to stop me. I somehow dodged every projectiles. Suddenly, I saw an Attack Titan approaching me. Tch. I tried to summersault on a building to go out of its reach, but a part of a broken building, thrown by Zeke, hit me and I was falling. Grrr. At that moment, I wanted to let everything go and die. Then an energy charged in me, I somehow landed on ground and maneuvered between Zeke's leg. The moment it tried turn back, it collided with the Attack Titan. This was my chance. I grappled Beast Titan's nape, and cut it as soon as possible. I took Zeke out, and was about to cut him, when the Attack Titan's hand was approaching.

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