Chapter 1: Back to the Past

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(A/N: This is a continuation of a Ducktales AU. I recommend reading acts 1-4 first if you're interested in the series. Or not. I'm not gonna tell you what to do. And to those who have already been reading the series: Welcome back!)

Some time in the past:

Glomgold took his bright red marker out from his Gucci kilt and started drawing 'master plans' on the back of the Starducks table menu. Yes, this specific Starducks had menus.

He started with drawing sharks. Obviously.


"Shhhhhh!" A woman at the table next to him glared at him. She was bottle feeding her baby and she didn't want it to start crying again because of a round man yelling.

Glomgold pointed to himself in confusion. "SHHHHH MEH?!" He didn't need an answer. He glared right back at the woman. "SHHHH YOOOH, BIATCH!"

"Mommy! I got my chocolate milk!" A second child approached the table.

Glomgold blinked slowly, one eye at a time. "WOT ARE YOOH?!" He hopped off of his high chair, leaving his marker and beautiful drawings on the table. He drove his crusty nail into the kid's chest.

"What am I?" The kid didn't seem to understand his question. "I'm a kid..." He hoped that was the right answer.

Glomgold nodded. "Oh... I see..."

Wait a second... a kid. Scrooge had those...

Glomgold blinked one eye at a time again before looking at the baby. "WOT IS THAT?!"

The mother leaned away from him, mainly because his spit was flying everywhere. "My baby..."

"Oh... I see..." He scratched his beard until a cartoonish light bulb (with abs) appeared over his head. "THAT'S IT! SCROOGE'S BABEHS," He meant the kids. "HELP HIM OUT ALL THE TIME! I NEED A BABEH! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

The family just stared at him.

He noticed and made heavy eye contact with them. "WOT ARE YOU LOOKIN' AT?!"

The child and the mother darted their eyes away.

"Oh... I see..." Glomgold's beady eyes took notice of the chocolate milk in the kid's hands. Drool started spilling out from his mouth. He needed it. "GIMMEH!" He snagged it from the child, who immediately started crying, and scuttled off. This was it. This was his master plan. He would take Scrooge down with a baby!


After the conversation with Mia, Gloria couldn't take this anymore. Everything was just too painful to bear. She had to do something! Not just for herself, but for everyone around her.

Gloria sat at the edge of her bed in Miss Glamour's house. The words she said to Mia, "I'm going to fix this." rang in her head over and over again. It soon dawned on her how she was going to "fix this". Gyro's time tub. The fact Gloria didn't realize this sooner made her feel kinda stupid but hey, she was greiving.

She never time traveled before. That was always something Gyro messed with in the lab and most of the time it resulted in him getting electrocuted. But it was the only option she had. The only option that actually resulted in the possibility of everyone being alive again.

She got up from the bed and put on other clothes that weren't her usual go-to pajamas. Gloria figured she should say goodbye to Ellie, Mia and Boyd before she left (not Mark because fuck Mark). If she was successful in time traveling and changing the future, then a goodbye wasn't really needed...but she felt like it was anyways.

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