Chapter 50: Disney, But In A New Timeline

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The security at Disney looked down into Ellie's purse.

"Ma'am, why do you have a large variety of knives? Only knives...?"

There was literally nothing but knives in Ellie's purse. Not even napkins, and all moms carried napkins.

"I believe the better question is why would I not have knives."

The security guard rolled his eyes. That honestly wasn't the craziest thing he had seen in someone's purse that day. "Alright," He put the purse underneath the table in a compartment. "You can retrieve your bag once you exit the park."

"Excuse me?! You cannot take my weapons away! Do you know how long it took me to collect all of those knives?! I am not going to part with them! I am going to kill you! You are next on my list! I swear-" Ellie continued on her rant about killing all security guards as Boyd dragged her away.

"Mom. Not now. You are going to get us kicked out." Boyd whispered.

Glomgold was next in line. Yep. He was there. Sadly he couldn't be contained in the van. He escaped multiple times and the Glomsquad eventually caved in, letting him tag along.

He slid Fluffy onto the table.

The security guard rubbed his temples. It was just one crazy person after another.

"Sir, this isn't a bag. And you can't bring a dog into the park unless it's a service animal."

"OI!" Glomgold climbed onto the table, which took a few tries, to get in his face. "SHE'S NOT A DOG! SHE'S FLUFFEH!"

"Sir, is she a service animal? I'm going to need to see some paperwork."


Mark stepped up to handle the situation. He really wanted to ride Space Mountain. It should also be mentioned that Mark was wearing sunglasses, a hat, and different clothing to hide from the paparazzi. If the media knew where he was, all hell would break loose. "Listen chief, I know you're doing your job and everything but look at this dude." Mark pointed to Glomgold who was currently picking his nose. "Isn't it obvious that he needs a service animal?"

"... alright." Honestly, this guy wasn't getting paid enough to deal with this shit. He let Glomgold through. Mark, Gloria, Boyd and Gyro didn't have anything dangerous or sus on them because they were all somewhat normal. And yes, Gloria did in fact have Ellie talk to Mark about paying for their tickets.

They walked through the Transportation and Ticket Center, with their magicbands already linked up and ready to go, and headed towards the monorails. Boyd couldn't stop smiling and they weren't even in the park yet. "I'm so happy that we are able to be here as a family!" Well, Mark and Glomgold were there but he was just going to ignore them the best he could. "Thank you all so much for taking me here!"

"No problem, Boyd." Gyro patted him on the head like the try-hard he was. "What do you want to do first at Magic kingdom?" He asked as soon as they entered the monorail.

Glomgold immediately ran to the window seat, his breath fogging up the glass as he held Fluffy up so she could get a good view too. "Look at it Fluffy," He whispered under his grimy breath. "Look at it. This park is ours."

Fluffy barked in response. Her beady eyes were locked on Cinderella's castle. Yes. One day that kingdom will be theirs to rule...

"I heard that the Haunted Mansion is fun!"

Ellie was afraid that the ride would be too scary for Boyd. If anything popped out and scared him, she would have no problem ripping the animatronics apart in pure rage. Bitch doesn't play around.

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