Chapter 15: Miss Glamour's Re-Return

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"Man this place is a dump!"

Ellie shot him a look with Wyatt still on her back. "Mark... it is a dump."

"I know! That's what I said!"

There was nothing around except for a flat plain with a large mound of dead bodies all stacked together. They were all in body bags but it was still horrible to look at. It was the place where Steelbeak would order GodBots to dispose of the late victims from Camp GodGold. Pretty fucked up stuff.

Gloria spoke up, though still being very weak. "Why would we be recused in a place like this?"

Gyro placed her down lightly against garbage. It was the only place he could put her that wasn't, ya know, against dead bodies. Ellie on the other hand put Wyatt next to dead bodies because she didn't give a shit. And she also didn't have common sense.

"8008 said garbage trucks would stop by. We can ask them for help." Gyro said. "I guess the only thing we need to worry about is how long we have to wait. Boyd..."

Boyd knew what Gyro was asking him. He scanned Gloria. "She'll be fine if we get medical attention in the next few hours. Same goes for Mr. Wyatt."

"...fuck." Gyro attempted to avoid swearing around Boyd, but it couldn't be helped in the heat of the moment. "Okay. Okay. It'll be fine. I'm sure a truck will stop by soon. Garbage trucks always stop by in the morning and the sun is just about to rise."

"But what about Kyle? What if he isn't here by then?"

Gyro shot Ellie a look. "Gloria and that... guy," He didn't know Wyatt's name. "Are dying and you're worried about that damn roach?!"

Ellie immediately got defensive. "He is my son! Of course I am worried about him! He is probably lost, scared, and confused, wondering where his mother went. He most likely believes I left him!"

Gyro rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Oh puh-lease! It's just a stupid, mindless roach! There are more important things to worry about now!"

Mark broke away from the group and started aimlessly walking around, holding his phone up in the air to try and get some signal.

Gyro turned his attention back to Gloria. "Do you think you can hang in there for a while longer?"

Poor Wyatt was left in pain on the sidelines. He kinda felt like the outcast of the group, which he was. Real sad boi hours.

Gloria gave Gyro a thumbs up. "I'll be fine."

Mark eventually found signal and did a little happy dance to celebrate. He sat his scrawny ass in the grass to tweet.

Still being very upset over Kyle, Ellie looked around for Mark so she could speak of her qualms, but he wasn't anywhere nearby. Of course. She huffed and sat down next to Wyatt who was technically her only friend. She had yet to talk to Gloria again to figure that whole situation out.

She looked over at him. "You have seven hours, twenty-one minutes, and five seconds before your body goes into shock." How nice of her. To be fair, that was the only thing she could think of saying.

He whined. "I-is there any way I could just pass out from t-the pain already? I-It's r-really painful."

Ellie thought for a moment. "I could knock you out, but I do not want to cause you brain damage." She sighed. "I apologize you got dragged into this, Wyatt. I believed I was the only one who had issues with Mr. Steelbeak."

"Don't apologize! I-It wasn't your fault... I-I'm just glad that we escaped and that we're all safe." That sounded ironic coming from the dude who has multiple stab wounds all over his body.

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