Chapter 21: Catholocism

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Gloria quietly snuck her way back into the hotel room thinking that Mia was asleep but she knew right away that she wasn't because there was still a light on in the room. She sat her backpack down after closing the door behind her. "Mia? Are you here?" Now that Axel was taken care of, all Gloria had to do now was to say her goodbyes and figure out how to meet up with Mia again in the future.

Mia didn't answer, but she was on the bed in silk pajamas the hotel had provided because it was just that boujee. She glared at Gloria when she came into view and it looked like she had been crying for hours. It was so odd to see someone Gloria viewed as sweet and quiet look so angry.

Mia picked up Gloria's notebook and threw it at her without saying anything. It was a bit wet because she had read it all while taking a bubble bath.

Gloria's eyes widened as she picked the notebook off the floor. "Mia, did you read my notebook?!" She frantically looked around the hotel room as if the universe was about to collapse any second. Nothing happened. She paused and looked back at Mia. "...What did you find out?"

"Everything." She murmured. "You aren't the Gloria I know. The Gloria I know is long gone and ditched me." Mia laid down and turned her back to Gloria, hinting that she wanted to end the conversation there.

She sighed and moved closer, sitting in a nearby chair that was next to the window. "I didn't want to ditch you, Mia. But at the time you didn't know anything about Axel and you didn't know what I had gotten myself mixed up in. I know it was selfish of me but everything happened so quickly and I thought I was doing the right thing by leaving. I really couldn't see you getting hurt on my behalf... but in the old timeline, I found out later on that you were hurt anyways. You read all of that, right? About Vegas?"

There was a stretch of silence and Gloria didn't think Mia was going to respond until she let out a long sigh.

"Yes. It seems you really messed up my life." There was no bite in her tone and she spoke softly as usual, but it was obvious she was very angry. "I may have not known you were in a gang, but you still could have taken me with you. You loved me. But you left, forgot about me, and fell for some other guy. Gyro, right?" She laughed. "The best part of all of this is that you aren't even time traveling for me. You're doing all of this to prevent him from dying and you're making tiny pit stops along the way. That's all this is."

"Yes, I'm trying to save Gyro, but I'm also trying to save Heidi, too. I'm assuming you read who Heidi is..." She continued "Originally my plan was to just go back a few days and try to stop their deaths, but I was new to the whole time travel thing and went too far into the past. After doing that I figured, why wouldn't I try to fix things for everyone?...So what I'm trying to say is, is that I'm not just time traveling for Gyro. I'm doing this for everyone, including you." She paused again "After Gyro and Heidi died, and when I came up with the idea to time travel and fix it, you were the only one who trusted me! You were the only one who encouraged me to do any of this, Mia."

"But why? I don't understand why I would be friends with you in the future after everything you caused." She was mainly referring to her 'career' in Vegas. "I don't know who Heidi is yet but she loved you too and you pushed her away. And then you ended up with two women with broken hearts that you caused and decided to stick them together to get them out of your hair and make everything 'a-okay'."

"No, it wasn't like that at all!" She sighed and hugged her legs. "I didn't mean for you to find the notebook. I'm really sorry, Mia. I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be! I hurt you, and when I came back in time to try and fix it, I just hurt you again."

"I already know Heidi is way better than you are. You're disgusting." Woah. Mia needed to take a chill pill. "Anyway. What am I supposed to do now?"

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