Chapter 81: Bill's Letter

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"It's the same as usual, everyone! I hope you enjoy it." Abigail said as she served breakfast on the table. She didn't serve herself until last. "How is everyone doing?"

Everyone sat in their usual spots at the table. Today was the day before Donnie and his bride will show up to cause their monthly havoc on the town. Most everyone in the Glomsquad nodded as a response.

"We're fine! But I noticed yesterday people were boarding up their windows... why is that?" Gloria asked.

Mark chimed in while stuffing his face with scrambled eggs. "Yo, I saw that, too. Is it for a town-wide game of hide and seek or something? 'Cause that actually sounds super dope and I want in!"

"Oh... y'all are visitors. Of course you wouldn't know..." Abigail sighed. "Tomorrow is Donnie and his bride's monthly visit."

"Donnie and who?" Ellie asked.

"Donnie and his bride, Dianne. Every month they come to town and rob us. They're dangerous and they do... bad things if we don't give them what they want." She shivered to herself and wiped a dramatic tear from her face. "The one time Allonzo tried to protect us... it didn't go well. He still converses with them every month to make sure they're pleased but I can't help but always get worried."

Heidi leaned forward, impolitely resting her arms on the table. "Here's the thing, Abby. I already know about this whole thing and I'm handling it."


"Yeah. I'm gonna kill their asses. No one messes with a sweet town like this." Heidi pumped her chest like a gorilla to seem more threatening. Noises and all. The funny thing was that she wouldn't even try to kill them if it wasn't for the fact that she needed to kill two people.

Abigail ignored the weird gorilla show she just out on. "But Heidi, you can't do that! You'll get hurt! And you're a lady!"

"So? It's better than your brother getting hurt." Heidi pointed out. "Besides, I've killed people before. My past gang if that says anything."

Abigail gasped. "You- you have! Wow! I've never known a lady to do such a thing..." Murder wasn't illegal back in those times so Abgai wasn't that freaked out. "Well, if you do decide to do this, I'll warn you. They are very dangerous and won't hesitate to shoot you. Please please be careful!"

Gloria gave Heidi a look. "Heidi, you're seriously going to try and stop these guys?" Everyone knew Heidi was more than capable of killing, but Gloria wasn't sure why Heidi wanted to kill these Bonnie and Clyde losers.

"Yeah. Why not? I'm doing it because I can." Heidi shrugged. Honestly, how hard could it be to take down old western people if they couldn't even handle a Waddle Phone.

"Heidi... please let me help you. I know you want to do it by yourself but-"

Heidi cut Mia off. "No, Mia. For the last time, you aren't gonna help me! I'm not letting that shit fly!"

"But I want to help!"

Heidi ignored her and Wyatt cleared his throat to get her attention.

"Umm... H-Heidi? I'll help... I-if you'll have me."

"Yoooo... dude... no offense but you can't fight for shit. You'll get yourself killed."

Everyone else nodded in agreement with a few "yeahhhh"s muttered.

He tried his best to ignore the insults. "M-maybe not if we h-help each other. You n-need all the help you can g-get."

Ellie nodded. "I agree. I will also help. I have not stabbed anyone in quite some time. I miss it."

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