Chapter 4: Bikini-Top

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(A/N: I've decided I'm going post a chapter each Monday! But I forgot last Monday so here's a makeup for that lol. Also... I may try to include some illustrations in future chapters like I did in Act 2! No promises because I'm busy, but I want to try to include drawings every now and then. Who knows if I'll get around to it.)


Gloria time traveled a day after everyone got back from Agartha and decided to pay Mark a visit. One thing that she really wanted to change was the fact that Mark changed Ellie's programming for her to love him. Everyone thought it was really fucked up that he did that. She never even saw the point in it either! Homegirl already liked him!

Mark's security was kinda shit. Probably because he forced everyone to take 2:37 break raves in the lounge areas. She was just able to waltz right up to his office.

Sure enough, Mark was in the middle of his large office space with different robotic parts surrounding him. There was also a small stack of empty energy drinks in the corner. Looked like he was making a weird pyramid out of them. Mark was in the middle of rebuilding Ellie. Why he wasn't having anyone help or do it for him was beyond her. He looked like a dad who had to assemble new furniture from IKEA.

"Yoooo! Mark! How's it going?!"

Mark looked up and gave her a weird look. "How were you able to- oh right. Rave break. You're like... okay, I guess? But this is taking foreverrrrrrrr, so like, you can help me fix Ellie if you want. But don't think you're added to my Minecraft server."

"Sure!" Gloria sat down on the floor across from him.

Ellie was mostly complete. There were a few limbs missing but her head and torso were already attached. God, if Mark was the only one rebuilding Ellie, then he must've been working throughout the night. He didn't look tired though but that's probably because of all the energy drinks. She picked up a screwdriver and started working on one of her arms. Oh yeah, Gloria was a scientist wasn't she? It was easy to forget that since that was washed under the plot and everything. "Soooooo..." There was no easy way to bring up the whole love reprogramming thing. "Seems like Ellie will be good as new in about a day or two. That's cool! So she'll be back to normal, right?"

"Ummm... if you're going to help then no talky. Kay? Kay." He took a swig of his current energy drink.

Okay Gloria wasn't going to have any of that little twerp's bullshit today. She cut straight to the point. "I know you're thinking about adding something extra to Ellie's programming, Mark. That is, if you haven't done it already." Again, Ellie's head seemed to be fully completed so it wouldn't surprise her if Mark had already reprogrammed her. "I think it's a really bad idea."

Mark put down his tool and shot her a look. "The fuck are you talking about?" He knew exactly what she was talking about and, no, he hadn't added that program yet. But he was more confused how Gloria knew of his plans. That shit was written down no where but in his small brain.

"I'm talking about you reprogramming Ellie to be weirdly in love with you. You know, even though she already does!"

"Okayyyyyy woahhhhhh uhhhh I dunno how you learned about that but can you just chill out? It's literally none of your business!"

I guess Mark had a point but that wasn't going to stop her. She softened her voice. "Mark, you don't have to reprogram her. I think it'll cause more bad than good. She already loves you, don't fuck that up."

Mark started to get defensive. Mostly because he knew that she had a point. "Dude! I dunno how you know everything but it's super freaky! Lay off!"

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