Chapter 18: Titanic

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Ellie had agreed to meet up with Wyatt to go and watch a movie together. She wasn't aware of this, but Wyatt was wanting to consider it a date. Poor guy was nervous as hell but he told himself over and over again that he needed to make a move... but he also couldn't help but feel guilty. Mark had taken him under his wing and gave him a huge opportunity that was practically his dream job! There was a lot Wyatt was internally dealing with to say the least. He settled on the idea that whatever happens, happens.

Wyatt went through some of the outfits Miss Glamour had provided him and picked something that was nice but not too fancy. He paced around the hallway outside of Ellie's door, watching the time tick by until it was 5:30, the time he told Ellie that he would come by to meet her. He cleared his throat and timidly knocked on her door.

She was very quick to answer. "What?" Ellie checked the time in her data. "Oh. The movie. You are rather punctual."

Wyatt awkwardly laughed and rubbed his arm. "Y-yeah! T-thank you... umm... a-are you ready to go?"

"Of course." She walked out and shut the door behind her. Unlike Wyatt, Ellie was in pajamas. On top of that, her hair was down and messy. To be fair, she was in her room all day just reading textbooks so she didn't see a point in making herself look presentable. But it didn't help Wyatt's confidence because she clearly was putting zero effort into the 'date'. She really gave no shits.

The two started walking to Miss Glamour's private movie theatre room to watch Titanic. Wyatt's choice. It's a long movie but it was filled with romance to help set the mood and enough deaths and history to also keep Ellie entertained. "T-thank you for wanting to see a-a movie with me, Ellie..."

"I downloaded the entire script and read over it twice. I enjoy the part where Jack dies and falls into the pits of the ocean. I cannot wait to see that on screen."

He laughed awkwardly again. "Y-yeah that happens towards the end of the movie..." Wyatt always cried when he saw Jack's death. "Umm..." He was trying to keep the conversation alive. Unlike Jack. "S-so, how was your day today?"

"It was moderately good. I read a lot of literature in my data and finished reading Miss Glamour's art history textbook manually." She looked at him and smiled. "How was your day?"

Wyatt blushed and smiled back. "I-It was good! I-I really didn't do much today... I-I was able to get in contact with my family t-to let them know that I was safe. They're safe too... I can't wait to see them again."

"I am sure they cannot wait to see you too." Ellie opened the door to one of many theatres Miss Glamour had, because one obviously wasn't enough.

A movie was already playing. Barbie's Princess Charm School. And there was only one person in the theatre watching this cinematic masterpiece. Mark Beaks himself. He was sitting in the middle of the theatre with a huge bag of popcorn and he looked like he was crying. "OMG PORTIA! WHY DID YOU SAY THAT TO BARBIE?! THAT HURT HER FEELINGS! NOW SHE MAY NEVER GET TO BECOME A PRINCESS!" He threw popcorn at the movie screen as if that would change the outcome of the plot.

Ellie wasn't sure who was in the theatre at first, since the audio was so loud and covered up Mark's screams, so she approached Mark slowly, with Wyatt following behind.


Mark wiped his eyes, hoping Ellie didn't catch him crying. "Yo. What's up, Ellie?" He wasn't ashamed watching a Barbie movie. He loved that shit and he was proud of it!

Ellie did catch him crying. "Why are you crying over children's entertainment?"

That made him tear up again. "All Barbie wants to do is become a princess and have a happy life with her family who lives in a shit apartment in New York! It isn't fair! These girls are so mean to her!"

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