Chapter 22: Back To The Cruise

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Gyro fucking Gearloose was chilling on a lounge chair while Boyd was attempting to make friends and Gloria was drinking up a storm. It was only the second day of the cruise and, surprisingly, everything was going really well!

Gloria drunkenly waddled back over to brag about how many drinks she had.

Gyro cut her off before she could even say anything. "One more drink. One."

"Okay fine! I'll have one more!... in the tallest glass I can find!" Gloria laughed at her own... I guess it was a joke? She continued to laugh as she walked back to the outside bar. She already had to open a tab and it was only day two on the cruise.

"Duck Jesus..." At least he had his iPad on him (or waddle pad? wPad? Whatever. Screw this universe.) He had access to all the science books he wanted with his new Audible subscription (thanks to Audible for sponsoring this fanfiction!). It was impossible for anyone to bother him now that Mark was leaving him alone for a reason he had yet to figure out.

Gyro thought that he was going to have peace and quiet for once. He was right in the middle of a very interesting chapter about ions when Future Gloria came out of nowhere and sat down next to him. Her disguise this time was a little more extra. Her hair was dyed and she was wearing contacts instead of her usual round glasses. She was also wearing an outfit Jimmy Buffet would own. This time she absolutely had to make sure that Jimmy signed her shirt and not lose it! "Heyyyyyyy!"

He let out a very loud and over dramatic sigh before slowly turning his head to look at Gloria. "We just got on this cruise and you're telling me problems are going to start already?" He turned back to his wPad. "Whatever. It's your issue not mine. And your hair looks stupid by the way." What a supportive boyfriend.

"Jeez, what's with the attitude? Maybe I just wanted to tag along and enjoy the cruise again." Sadly that wasn't all Gloria came to do. Now that Axel was taken care of, there was one less threat that they had to deal with on the cruise. However, Ma Beagle and her stupid sons were onboard. They really weren't that threatening but Gloria figured that she had to do something with Ma Beagle before she joined F.O.W.L. in the future.

"So... is there anything you need?" Gyro wasn't trying to be rude, it was just his reading hours. And Gyro no talky during reading hours.

"Yeah. What's been happening with everyone since the whole Steelbeak thing?"

"Um..." Gyro took a moment to think. "Nothing really. You just moved in with me and everything is peaceful for once. That's about it. Glomgold was very annoying back in Duckburg but thankfully he isn't on the cruise. I have no idea what's going on with Mark and Ellie and I don't care. I do know that Mark has been leaving me alone for some odd reason, but I'm not going to start complaining about that."

"Oh yeah that is weird. He wasn't like that last time." Gloria shrugged it off and got up from her seat. "Anyways I got shit to do, so I'll hang out with you later!"


Boyd was in the activity center for kids on the cruise. He made sure to introduce himself and talk to everyone there. All of the kids there were friendly back to him... except for one.

"Hello, ex-adopted brother who shall not be named."

Boyd gulped. "Doofus? How did you get here?"

"It matters not how I got here, ex-brother. What matters is that this is my area of the ship and you need to leave!" Doofus pointed to the exit.

"You can't tell me what to do, Doofus." Boyd didn't say it as a threat, more as a fact. "This area is open to the public for kids ages seven to twelve. I have every right to be here as you do!" He smiled.

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