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It was the next day at school, however Marinette looked as if all rain had invaded her bubbly demeanour.

Adrien felt something wasn't quite right. She had left on cloud nine from his mansion after they played piano. So, what happened?

He carried on reading his book as he saw the bluenette approach him, "We have to model this evening, so I'll be going along with you."


That's when Adrien finally opened his messenger to see that his robot- Nathalie had texted him. An entire essay, but he only read the line where Marinette and Him are to model.

"Ah, alright."

He saw her rotate her foot slightly as if she wanted to say something, then she stood still and went back hesitant.

He was surprised she hadn't talked to anybody else, nor bring up the subject of the piano yesterday.

"My father made you some passion fruit macaroons!"

He looked up to see her holding on a box with the Dupain Cheng bakery logo.

"I'm allergic to sweets."

"But Nathalie said-"

"She's a robot."

"But I-"

"And you're a chatterbox."

He saw Marinette scowl at him as she turned around, stomping away, "You really are the Black Cat!"

Adrien shrugged it off. Marinette didn't seem like a person to take personal offense and hold a grudge against someone for too long. And- it's not like he cares anyway!

It was Sunday. An entire week had passed. No Marinette, no chatterbox. Adrien was left back to his own world before the bluenette entered it.

He sat at his desk, trying to come up with a poem for the end of year assignment. He needed a distraction. occupation. But that was what he told himself.

Blue! Sky is blue! But he was sure everyone would be speaking of the sky or waters, he had to do something original. But first he needed something blue to properly think of describing or comparing the shade. He had already noted down his similes, metaphors and all figurative language uses for inspiration. Now all he had to do was find

He thought, Kagami has blue hair...Trying to concentrate it finally clicked.

I've been watching you for some time
Can't stop staring at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes

No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you give me those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Falling into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes

(not original)

He then re-read everything,  putting down his pen. Then something hit him. Kagami did NOT have blue eyes. She wasn't even on his mind when he wrote this. Marinette was. Adrien never kept in denial. But he was growing frustrated thinking of the bluenette.

He would never admit it, but he hoped him and Marinette could at least indulge in a conversation about school. Or how cotton candy is so fluffy at the carnival. 

Then his phone dinged. It was Marinette. She had cancelled the trip, saying she couldn't make it due to some home issues. He knew very well she was trying to avoid him, and that her father usually let her roam in free unlike his. He put his phone down in dismay. There goes the conversation.

Looking at the group photo he had as his wallpaper, he thought. 'Am I really that despicable?' 

Shades of Blue (Adrienette AU)Where stories live. Discover now