Diary entry 1

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10th January,

Dear diary,

 It's been quite a hectic day, though as tired as I am, I am full of life, and I am sure Marinette is too. Emily visited today, she's such a sweetheart, just as Adrien, her son is!

Marinette was playing with her ladybug plushie when he came, they both hit it off as great friends! I am so happy they both found someone to confide in as friends. Marinette's been quite saddened since Chloe bullied her and most people didn't befriend her due to Chloe's behaviour. It's sad they assumed Marinette was the same.

Adrien is quite shy and quiet. However, not so quite once he becomes friends. Emily said Gabriel had strict rules which are part of why Adrien is so quiet, she says he probably seeks his father's approval in what he does.

We had left Adrien in Marinette's room and I was afraid it'd be quite awkward. However, I was surprised pleasantly to come back to laughing duo. Adrien and Marinette were drawing two superheroes from their favourite cartoon, Ladybug and Chat Noir. She's such a creative child for someone so young, I think she'll make a fine women.

I could not help snap some photos, and while going Adrien happily chatted to his mother who smiled and thanked Marinette. It's funny, she never quite liked socializing, and here she is asking, "Will Chat come back?"

Yours Truly,


10th January,

Dear Diary,

Today I had this great experience meeting Mrs. Dupain Cheng, or Sabine as she wanted. She's such a nice person, and Marinette is even sweeter. Daughter and only 3, a year younger than Adrien. He cracked such a bright smile after so long. 

He smiles, but it's quite forced, though I don't think Gabriel recognizes it. Oh well, he was gleaming after meeting Marinette. It was quite funny seeing him being his goofy self, making face using the delicious eclairs Sabine offered. They even made drew out their favourite show. 

I think Marinette is quite creative for a child her age, perhaps I should talk to Gabriel about her talent. She is quite young, but if her passion continues when she's older, why not? Besides I'm sure she and Adrien will make a great duo! Her the designer, and him the model. Perhaps then his job wouldn't be so exhausting for him.

In fact, he really likes her! I'm happy Marinette could break through his shy bubble to discover, Adrien, my son. For when we were leaving he asked, "When will I see M'Lady again mom?"

Yours truly ever diary,


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