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He sat in uncomfortable silence, slowly tapping his foot in anxiety. How was he to face a girl he so rudely accused just some hours ago?

Why did his father HAVE to do this? He could've perhaps asked his online friend Plagg for help, even though the dude demands money for an entire wheel of camembert in every favor. At least he'd have SOMETHING planned. Plagg was once Adrien's agent for a commercial, who took slight pity and befriended the boy online, however he always said he did it for the cheese.

Why couldn't his father prepare him some speech as always? The one time he actually needs one and he doesn't give him. Like once all he had to do was wave and say some sincere gratitude words to a important client, and his father had him preparing for a week just to say, "Thank you for your cooperation and trust in us, we are indeed grateful." 

His thoughts were interrupted by an assistant, who stood at the door, "Monsieur Agreste, Ms. Marinette's room is upstairs, we would escort you, however, there are some...interruptions to be taken care of."

The assistant's face paled slightly, as Adrien nodded. Great, no servant for his back so he's all alone. Just awesome, how much worse can it get? He took an abrupt stop, that cursed phrase. Good Lord, Agreste, you just cursed yourself. 

There was a portrait just like theirs atop the large staircase, Marinette looking as dull as the bluenette could be. Her eyes were sunken and grey in the portrait, and she looked downcast as if a shadow covered her face, and even so she had a smile. He couldn't tell if it was forced, solemn or slight joy.

He walked up the marble stairs, his echoing footsteps making the house sound even more hollow. He felt like he should shudder, but in truth his own house was just as cold. Dark, big and hollow, an endless pit of sadness where the Sun once shone. 

Her door was made of  metal covered with a wooden sheet, and he gulped, barely keeping from having his knees shaking as he knocked. It rang through the house, and to Adrien it was the loudest and most silent noise he had ever heard.

"Go away."

He heard her muffled voice, which added another ton to his guilt. He knocked again, and heard shuffling as the door was swished open.


She seemed shocked before looking down and everywhere else. He'd take it she was either embarrassed or feeing exposed for him to see her so vulnerable and crying. Her eyes were red and slightly puffed, her face shining softly with tears on both cheeks and bluebell eyes that seemed as if they'd been cracked.

"What brings your here?"

She asked...hopefully? Is that what Adrien heard? Hope? Her eyes nearly pleading, it seemed she would've jumped and hugged him on the spot, if not for the barrier Adrien had built.

He was about to reply when their fathers passed by, Mr.Dupain calling back, "Tsk, tsk. Its considered rude manners to have your guest standing at the door Marinette. Why can't you be like your mother?"

Shrugging off, their fathers went into the other room, Mr. Dupain howling in laughter on one of Gabriel's puns, making Adrien wince. He turned to Marinette who looked down, opening the door to which he stepped inside. Then she closed the door and sat on her balcony, sewing something.

Pink. Her room was quite pink. One wall was a complete soft board where there were pinups and strings of photos. The middle frame, on the centre of the wall was a group photo, the same one which was also on his phone as his wallpaper. Why did he have it as his wallpaper? He'll never answer that. Alya and Nino were laughing in the middle with goofy faces, as Adrien had a side smile with Marinette giving a small smile, her eyes twinkling. 

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