Phantoms and Damsels

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The Spring play was finally here! And the lead roles were Marinette and Adrien. She was to play the mere Damsel and he was the mysterious Phantom.

Marinette observed his behaviour and happily concluded he was content. He seemed to be more relaxed and into acting than modelling. She thought she should speak a word or two to her father about this. She was able to get Adrien some therapeutic sessions, which seemed to have helped. She was just glad Gabriel finally loosened his grip on Adrien's tough life.

"Oh dear Phantom, what secrets are hidden beneath that mask you were, o' how hurt is thou's heart to bare?"

"Lady Esmeralda, I am but a mere ghost. A wisp of air and smoke who shall perish and already is, yet I cannot rest until the final curtains close!"
"And cut! That was amazing Phantom! Esmeralda, you need a make up check, this heat cannot!" Alya quickly ushered Marinette away, shooting a thumbs up at Adrien who smiled.

He felt so happy since the past few weeks. He was eating well alongside Marinette, and this play just unlocked a passion of acting he never knew he possessed. His heart felt content as his smile glowed whenever he stared at the stage or was acting a part. He felt...happy.

Adrien proudly scanned his purple and black cloak alongside the silver grey mask, before his gaze fixed on Marinette. She wore a grass green silk gown which made her look like a real Princess. The stage was all set, the spotlight fixed, the chairs arranged and everyone was psyched.

This was the final rehearsal, and then they all were running back stage to take their places. A small peek, to see a large audience, basically the entire school, seated.


Adrien shut the door to turn and get startled as he saw Marinette looking at him, her hands on the table, gripping it as if she was about to throw it over. She seemed on edge before Adrien realized what was going on.

"Marinette, are you alright?"

"I- I'm okay! I'm fine!"

She seemed to be reassuring herself more than answering him. Her hands were off the table and formed into fists as she attempted to control the trembling, clenching her fists even more.

Adrien moved forward and held her hands, "It's gonna be alright Mari. Breath."

She closed her eyes and breathed as Adrien said again, "We've been practicing for a very long time.'re gonna do fine."

He said, as he placed a rose on her hair. She opened her eyes confused, "Call it a good luck charm, since you don't have yours on right now. Plus I have to do something about the rose bouquet in here before they wither away, oh sweet Esmerelda?"
She softly punched his shoulder. "Break a Leg, Agreste."

"You too, don't worry, I'll  be there the entire time!"

He said before disappearing.

Very soon, it was their cue as they made their way onto the stage. It was dark in the auditorium, with spotlights dimmed as roses and small rags with a somber scenery surrounded the actors.

"Oh dear Phantom, what secrets are hidden beneath that mask you were, o' how hurt is thou's heart to bare?"

"Lady Esmeralda, I am but a mere ghost. A wisp of air and smoke who shall perish and already is, yet I cannot rest until the final curtains close!"

"Why dear Phantom? Why can you not rest until...until."

Her eyes grew wide, her jaw rigid as Adrien realized her stage fright had caused her to forget her lines. He quickly recovered, "Until the end of the play where I star my sweet Esmerelda!"

He saw her gulp and realized her posture was stricken with panic, so he decided to do some serious improv. 

"Take my hand and join me on a tale my fairest, for I shall tell you all that has led to this moment of grief."

He gave out his cloaked white hand, which she took still afraid of what was to come. And so Adrien began speaking, of lines, of the script. But to Marinette it was on point, and never could any other words replace his emotional delivery.

"I was, once, a stone in every person's path to be tossed around. I let them fallen me round and round, to the point all colours were a blurry grey thus my cloak and mask. I was, a mere face to them, and so I was picked among the sky, a star! Yet this star was so alone my fair Esmeralda, and I suffered and withered, yet noone saw. And eventually I became a bitter soul free of every weakness, like love and compassion! And I died, unhappy, unfeeling for happiness was a mere moment of contentment. But you! You! My sweet Esmerelda, I have been revived for years yet I am only allowed to perform with you, and you are the only one who has ever seen through this mask of pain. And thank you, for letting me see what's my real strength."

At the end of his speech, the crowd held his breath as he saw Marinette's eyes full of happy tears as they parted from their dancing, "My dearest Phantom, I shall be led astray if not for your existence. I have lived long in the sky as a star and has not one presented themselves a reason, so existed. You give me reason to live, and I am forever grateful for your existence."

And then, the curtains dropped. Marinette hugged Adrien, a deafening applause from behind the curtains as they hugged. And the light from outside reflected an ocean of feelings and Adrien couldn't help himself as he embraced her.

He shot back, "I'm so sorry I didn't ask!"

She chuckled, before embracing him again, "It's alright."

Nino coughed, and they broke apart as Alya elbowed him, "Way to ruin the moment Nino! I was gonna take a picture for their family! It was their first embrace!"

Adrien and Marinette blushed in embarrassment as the class cheered, "Finally the ship has sailed! All aboard?" 

Adrien was elated, embarrassed but happy. He'd rather be nowhere than now, right beside someone he loved and his friends. Everything was alright...everything would be okay.

And that's when his father called.


"Yes, Adrien. Mr. Dupain Cheng called, your marriage is fixed with Ms. Marinette Dupain Cheng. I won't here any buts, it's officially released and-"

But Adrien didn't hear his father anymore as he looked back at the laughing bluenette. And then he discovered it, the last shade of blue.

A beautiful midnight, where stars guided the lost. The midnight was his life, and Marinette was the star. He was a lost bird in search of a purpose and she gave that. 

When everyone departed, he saw Marinette standing in the rain. Well, he gets to be the star for once, as he held the umbrella, guiding her home.

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