Diary Entry 3

110 4 0

(1 year later)

Dear diary,

Tears soak this page as I write with great sorrow. Because of Gabriel's progression we had to move. He had to leave Marinette and they both were so sad. Marinette was crying at the doorsteps as she had hugged him goodbye.

Adrien has become very quiet, more than he ever was. I had tried talking to Gabriel but he is quite stubborn and refused to hear me out. I wish I could explain it to him how important this all is to Adrien.

His great only friend was Marinette and even she's gone now. He stays up in his rooms and doodles or reads, sometimes I hear him say 'Mari', before a sudden hitch in his breath as he realizes what he said.

I wish Gabriel understood, he just...he let business create rift between such a healthy friendship. If anything, I had hopes of it blossoming into something more in the future. Marinette is such a bright child with a great future ahead. Oh I hope Gabriel realizes his priorities, and I hope he never lets it ruin our family.

Yours truly and sadly,


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