Admiral and Berry Blue

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Marinette had woken up hours ago. Her parents, her friends, everyone. Tons of gifts, get-well-soon cards and hugs and so much more. But she still hurt. It wasn't because of the uncomfortable IV, nor the injuries. Her heart hurt way worst, for the one visitor she looked for wasn't here.


The blonde hadn't made an appearance. She wondered if she imagined Adrien's feet running behind her. How close were they? Were they friends?

'I do not like Marinette in any way! She isn't even a friend!'

Her neck tilted in dismay, her head now down. Were they even classmates? Do strangers have memories? She just smiled sadly. She felt her heart hurt, but it still beats, because she accepted it. Her mind was eased, but her heart still ached. She couldn't even get friendship, But perhaps the memories were enough. Tears slowly trailed down as she happily thought, she was so busy having fun and laughing she never realized one day all those moments would then become memories. Is it so sad she understood what Adrien meant when he spoke about his mother that day? 

She looked at the wilted white roses beside her bed. They were once pretty, they once smiled towards the sun. And now they were picked by the people for purposes. They were pained, but they served their purpose, in fate's twisted away. They were nature, who was beautiful, who gave peace to others, who listened. They grew as a lonely seed, but grow they did. And just as everything was perfect, they were detached from the soil, the Earth, from everything they knew into a display of one thing: Looks. She felt much like these roses.

She grew in a home of warmth, a place she could call home. Full of love an contentment. But then, her mother nature died along with the circle of life. And suddenly she was picked out of her soil, her home. Her Earth, her love. And put on a display, a life full of temporary pleasures. Like the Stars which swapped positions every night. And forced she was here, but she held herself high. She knew she was wilted, but she could still offer happiness to those around her. These roses met fate, they were stolen. But they still offer her comfort of care and love, and so still served their purpose, even though they were wilted. And so she decided, she would also be like the roses. She would wilt, but still offer love, chances and things others gave up on.

The hours were so long, it was as if she was doing Algebra. She was however, grateful for the window for most hospitals had a timeless setting. Her thoughts wondered, as a pigeon rested itself upon the sill. She chuckled, "One would think a beautiful dove would come and inspire hope for me. Alas, I am full of so much of hope, that life can push me off a cliff and I'll hope to land in a meadow."

Just as she closed her eyes, everything came to a halt. But the silence did not last, for the door opened, revealing a dishevelled Adrien Agreste. He made a slow step, then closed the door quietly, and she smiled at him. Her heart now elated. It was shot slightly with his previous words, but she thought she ought to give him a chance, for in-the-moment phrases are not always true.

He fiddled with his fingers, as if debating to come forward or go back. He sighed and sat before her. He looked her in the eye, "I'm sorry. I never meant that. I- I don't know what we are, but I hope we are friends. least were."

"Adrien. Why did you come?"

He probably would've ran and never come out of his hiding spot. But she asked so tenderly, as if tending to a wound. And wounded he was, deeper than any scar he ever experienced. Deeper than the gash to his knee when he was 3 on his tricycle. 

"I didn't want to be a coward." He said, looking at her, "Because I am not a coward, and I will not hide. I said all that, and I'm sorry. You mean a lot to me, more then you can ever imagine. No, I do not say it for the sake of your life, or out of pity."

He then paused, "Have you ever read Anne of Green Gables?"

Marinette nodded, "She's quite the enthusiast."

"Very. When she first discovered the Cherry Blossoms, she was so happy. And when Marilla told her to go outside and explore, she denied and said she may as well not attach herself to Green Gables then she already is, since it'll be harder to say goodbye. I hate goodbyes too. You're like the Cherry Blossoms. I discovered you, and trust me it's made me most happy then I've been in years.'re an open book, yet not. You're the Green Gables, but I am afraid to know you, because to me someday I'll have to say goodbye, and I don't wish to. Unlike Anne I have no confirmation of my stay."

Marinette then stretched out her hand and held his, "If you remember, Anne also said she tries to live the moment. Adrien, nothing is permanent, and perhaps that is why memories exist, why imagination is possible. If we were to fear and live between bald facts, why should something as 'silly' as imagination exist? And I'm more of a Matthew then Marilla, so yes Adrien you won't need to worry about confirmation. I like being friends."

Friends send a small needle poke at his chest, it probably would've been a stab had he not been thankful they still were friends.

Adrien looked at her earnestly as Marinette continued, "Do you know, Mr Agreste, I'm thankful for friendship. It beautifies life so much."

He smiled, "Am I forgiven by my Anne?"
"You are forgiven by Anne."

She chuckled as Adrien laughed in relief and happiness, " You're right Mari, friendship does beautify life."

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