chapter 1

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Desdemona curled under her blankets as her curtains were ripped open. Light violently beamed down on her causing her to groan.

"It's time to wake up Your Highness, The queen wanted you to be up an hour ago." Her hand maid, Sara tells her. "You know how upset she'll be when you get down there." She whispered.

Desdemona feels a chill creep through her whole body, goosebumps covering her skin. Desdemona's mother prioritizes punctuality, she's going to be furious. She can already feel the bruises that will form after she goes down stairs to see her mother.

"Please tell her I'll be down in a moment."

Sara leaves the room and Desdemona gets up from her bed, walking to her closet. She throws on the first simple dress she finds in her closet and doesn't bother to fix her hair, knowing that her mother is already upset she doesn't want to keep her waiting much longer.

She walks down the stairs into the parlor, her mother turns around and Desdemona can see the irritation in her eyes. When she's finally standing in front of her mother she feels the fear course through her bones. Her mother picks up a fire iron that had been resting by the fireplace, and strikes her across the head with it knocking her down. While she's on the floor she sees her mother winding back and feels her strike again. Desdemona kicks her foot out striking her mom in the knee. While her mother is focusing on the pain in her knee she gets up and grabs a wine bottle from the table. Her mother has directed her focus back to her and in a last minute decision she's shatters the bottle over her mother's head.

When her Mother's body drops to the floor she hears a gasp. Desdemona tunes back into the room and remembers that Sara's still in the room. Sara walks over to her mother's body and checks her pulse.

"I think she's dead, there's no pulse." Sara muttered.

"I... I didn't mean to I swear-" Sara cuts her off.


"What?" Desdemona replied confused.

"I said run, I'll cover for you." When Desdemona just stands there mouth agape Sara continues. "You can finally get out of here, The Queen can no longer dictate your life. You're free."

Desdemona is so thankful for Sara she can't even say anything, so she just nods and runs. She runs like the devil is chasing her, till her thighs and calves feel sore and her heart is beating out of her chest. She runs and never looks back.

author's note: uhhh hey, this is me and my bestie's first fic ever so if you got any feedback lmk!!! author out :p

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