chapter 3

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When Desdemona regains consciousness she feels herself rocking back and forth. She rubs at her eyes to try and clear her vision. When she's able to focus again her head is pounding, like she's being hit multiple times. With the thought of being hit, she remembers the attractive man she had caught stealing rum in that dingy old bar. That asshole pirate had hit her over the head with a frying pan. How dare he!

Just when she was about to stand up, the door to the room she's in opens.

"Oh good, you're finally awake. I didn't think I hit you that hard, sorry." It's the man from the bar. By the small smile on his face Desdemona can tell he's not very sorry.

"Why would you even hit me at all?!" Desdemona shouted.

"Alright, alright, no need to get hysterical. Keep your voice down." He says in an authoritative  tone. Desdemona doesn't want to comply but her head hurts and she feels drained, she hasn't eaten in almost two days, so she rolls her eyes and says quietly.

"Where the hell am I?"

"You are aboard the Angel of Doom, darling." He answers with a small smirk.

"So you knock me out with a frying pan, kidnap me, and smuggle me on a bloody pirate ship." Desdemona is seething with anger. Who does this man think he is. He kidnaped a literal princess. But as Desdemona begins to think about it, maybe this is a good thing. She's off the island where she killed her mother, and stole from the market. They won't be able to find her if she's in the middle of the ocean.

"I apologized." He replies lamely.

"you know what? I don't care, just get me out of here so I can eat and get rid of this headache." She says rubbing her temples trying to stop the pounding inside her head.

"Yeah, about that... you can't leave this room because no one besides me knows you're here." He says rubbing the back of his neck. Desdemona's nostrils flare, she's about to explode.

"But I can bring you food and some type of pain relief!" The man quickly replies before she can blow up.

"Okay whatever, but please be quick." She sighs defeated.

"I'm Jongho, by the way." He says before he walks out, closing the door behind him.

Desdemona doesn't know how much time passes before she hears the door open.

"It took you long enough, I'm starving in here." She says without looking up assuming it was Jongho.

"Well, well, look what we have here." She hears a voice higher than Jongho, she can also hear the smirk in his voice. Looking up she sees someone who is definitely not Jongho. The young looking man has a sharp jawline and high cheekbones. His hair is black with a silver streak in it, his eyes are beautiful and his smirk is intimidating.

"Hey Wooyoung, come look." The man continues. Another man shows up in the doorway, equally as ethereal, Desdemona is a little stunned. Are all pirates this attractive? This man, Wooyoung, has long wavy black hair, some falling into his eyes. His lips are big and pretty. The men standing in front of Desdemona are not much taller than her, but the looks on their faces make her feel kind of small.

"Well hello there beautiful, how'd you get down here?" Wooyoung says with an alluring smile on his face.

"I was kidnapped?" She answers without thinking, when she realizes what she has said, Desdemona mentally slaps herself. But all the men do is laugh.

"We should take her to the med-bay San, It'll scare Jongho shitless!" The other man, Wooyoung, says with a mischievous grin.

"Okay princess, looks like your coming with us." San says. When he calls Desdemona princess she startles for a moment before realizing it was just a pet name. She rolls her eyes but complies anyway. If Desdemona wants to stay on the ship, she doesn't need to cause a lot of trouble.

San and Wooyoung lead her through what she realizes are secret passages. They walk out of a closet into what she assumes is the med-bay.

"So princess, did Jongho kidnap you back at Port Royal?" San asks.

"Yeah, he nocked me out with a frying pan while we were in a bar, after I figured out that he was a pirate." She answers truthfully.

"Yeah that sounds like him." San says while laughing.

"He's not good when it comes to quick thinking." Wooyoung continues.

Desdemona can't help but laugh at the boys making fun of Jongho. When Desdemona is about to reply, the door opens.

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