chapter 4

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When Desdemona is about to reply, the door opens. A tall man with vibrant red hair walks in. And again he was exceedingly attractive. His lips were beautiful, and his eyes were small, kind of like san's. He was all sharp lines, and his cut off sleeves didn't hide his muscles.

"Why is there a girl on the ship? Did you guys kidnap her!?" The man's voice is so deep, Desdemona's jaw almost drops. Who is this guy?

"No Mingi, Jongho did though." Wooyoung answers the man's, Mingi's, question.

Mingi's eyes meet hers and Desdemona can see his ears turn red. Cute. His eyes move down her body and they stop when they get to her ankle.

"Hey, are you okay? Your ankle is really swollen." His eyes have a little worry in them, and this amazes Desdemona. She's never seen someone express these kinds of feelings towards her, even more her and Mingi just met. He doesn't even know her name.

"Oh uhm, I twisted my ankle back when I was on the island." She answers, there's confusion laced in her voice but none of the men noticed, all their attention on her ankle.

"Is it okay if I take off your boot?" San asks. Desdemona nods her head. He comes over and unlaces her boot.

"Damn, you've been walking on that this whole time? Why didn't you say anything?" Wooyoung says. Her ankle is angry shades of red and purple. It's so visibly swollen and looks extremely painful.

"I didn't really think it was that important." Desdemona replies. The boys look at each other questioningly when they see the discomfort on Desdemona's face that wasn't there a moment ago.

"I'll wrap it up, you need to keep ice on it for a while so the swelling will go down. You can go clean yourself up if you want to." San says. He had noticed the blood in the girl's hair and on her face, but he didn't want to say anything and risk her being more uncomfortable than she probably already was.

"That would be great, but where's Jongho? He was supposed to be getting me food but he never came back downstairs." Just as Desdemona finishes talking the door bursts open.

"Shit guys, Hongjoong's gonna kill me. I kidnapped a girl and now I can't find her, what if she fell overboard and died? I can't have that on my conscience!" Jongho is yelling hysterically and Desdemona can't help but double over in laughter, the rest of the men in the room following her.

"Oh my God, there you are. Do you know how scared I was?" Jongho comes to stand in front her, and she has to look up from where she's sitting on the bed.

"Sorry, but your friends kidnapped me." She says while still giggling a little.

"I'm going to kill you three." Jongho says with a straight face to the other pirates.

"Hey it wasn't me! I just found them in here, I swear!" Mingi says while raising his hands in surrender.

"As much as I would love to continue this conversation," Desdemona says voice dripping with sarcasm, "San told me I could bathe, and I would really enjoy that." She finish.

"Of course princess, follow me." San says. She follows him through a door into a bathroom. There's a basin already filled with water and San starts a fire to heat it up.

"Let me know if you need anything, or I could just stay." San says while placing a hand on Desdemona's lower back bring her closer to him.

"Thank you for the consideration." She says while unbuttoning her shirt with one hand, the other placed on his chest. "But I'll be okay." She says with a teasing tone, pushing san through the door with a smirk.

"Damn." He says when the door closes. He turns around to look at the other three men in the room. They're looking at him with incredulous faces.

"What?" He asks with a smirk. The others just role there eyes.

Desdemona finishes getting undressed, and gets in the basin. She lays down and sinks under the water opening her eyes. She stays under until her lungs hurt and she's about to pass out. She comes up with a deep breath welcoming the oxygen into her lungs. She welcomes the pain it brings, keeping her grounded. It reminds her that she's still alive, and that she's actually away from her mother. It's still hard to believe.

She scrubs her hair and body with the soap that was on the makeshift counter in the bathroom. When she's done rinsing the soap off she hears a soft knock on the door.

She hears Mingi's deep voice from the other side of the door. "Hey, It's Mingi. Is it okay if I come in?"

"Yes." Desdemona answers. 

Mingi walks into the room trying not to look at Desdemona. She can't help but find it adorable.

"Uh, we don't have any women's clothes on the ship, but we thought m-maybe Yeosang's might fit. You guys are like kind of the same size." He rambles accidentally looking at Desdemona's body every few words.

"Thank you Mingi." She replies, giggling a little.

"Also, you never told any of us your name. I wanted to know because us just calling you 'the girl' may seem a little d-dehumanizing." Mingi stutters a little on the last word. That's the word that Yeosang used when Mingi had told him who he was getting the clothes for. He trusted Yeosang though, because he was the only one on the ship that knew how to read and write.

"It's Desdemona." She replies with a smile, Mingi was really sweet for a pirate. 

"That's kind of hard to say, so I'm just gonna call you Des." He says with a cute pout on his face that makes Desdemona giggle. When he goes to sit the clothes on the floor beside the basin, she can see angry scars around both of his wrists, the skin around them permanently red. Desdemona doesn't say anything though for the risk of making him uncomfortable, or digging in to something personal.

While Mingi is crouched beside the basin he accidentally looks at Desdemona's thighs. He can't look away, he trails his eyes up the rest of her body. Her knees are pulled to her chest but the top of her breasts are still visible, leading to her sharp collarbones and slim neck. He meets her eyes and his stare travels to her lips. He's pulled from his trance when she smirks a little. The tips of his ears turn red and he stands back up.

"L-let one of us know if you need anything else." He stutters. 

"Okay, thank you Mingi." She says. She can see Mingi stiffen a little with the way she says his name.

"No problem, Des." He says and walks out of the bathroom.

hiiiiii besties :) just wanted to remind ya'll that this story's just for fun ya know shits and giggles :p

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