chapter 10

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"Get up love birds!" Jongho yells at the two in the crow's nest. "Ay, get it? Birds, cause you're in the crow's nest!"

"Go away Jongho!" Wooyoung yells back at the boy.

"Ay, I can't. Cap'n wanted to talk to Des." At the mention of the captain's name, Desdemona shoots up. She's trying to stay on the ship so making the captain mad obviously wouldn't be a good idea.

"How do I get down?" She turns to Wooyoung who's still laying down on the bottom of thr crow's nest.

"The same way we got up, beautiful." Wooyoung says it with a smart attitude that she rolls her eyes at. She grabs the rope and swings down to the main deck.

"That was impressive, darling." Jongho turns around to lead the way and she follows quickly behind. He opens the door to Hongjoong's cabin and steps back.

"You're not coming with me?" She asks in a semi-nervous voice. She might have bold and a little discourteous before, but he still scares the daylights out of her.

"I'm afraid not, he asked for only you darling." He motions for Des to go inside the room so she finally walks in, and he closes the door behind her. Hongjoong doesn't seem to be in the room, so she looks around at the art on the walls. When she's examining one she feels a presence right behind her, breath on her neck, and two hand come up to rest on her hips. She sucks in a sharp breath. Where the hell did he come from?

"Glad ya' finally decided to grace me with your presence kittn'." Hongjoong whispers against her neck.

"Where'd you get the paintings? They're lovely." She whispers back, not really sure what to do in this situation.

"I stole them." He muttered right in her ear, a shiver runs through her spine at the tone of his voice. He's so unbelievably attractive and terrifying.

"Jongho said you wished to speak to me." She states trying to get to the point so she can stop panicking.

"Ahh yes, come take a seat with me." He moves her by the hips and sits her down in a chair across from his that had moved from behind the desk. "We will arrive at Tortuga shortly and I want to place some rules. Savvy?" She nods her head, although she doesn't know what that last word means. "We will leave the ship when it is night time. If you would like to stay with us, you are to stay with one of us at all times. If you try anything though, I will give no quarter." She knew what that meant, if she tries something, Hongjoong will show no mercy. "Savvy?"

"Yes sir." She nods her head. Desdemona is extremely happy that she gets to stay. Being on the ship with the boys has made her feel like a real person, alive and free.

"Welcome to the crew." He smiles at her with a small laugh.

"I'm happy that you're staying with us Des." Yunho tells her, she's in the kitchen with Yunho and Seonghwa, they'd came and got her from Hongjoong asking if she wanted to help them make food. She's not really helping, just sitting on the counter eating whatever they make.

"Me too, pirates aren't that bad I guess." She says with a smirk that Seonghwa rolls his eyes at.

"Are you ready to be back on the ground for a moment, landlubber?" Yunho jokes with some truth, being on the water constantly did make her a little sick.

"We'll be leaving soon, you should probably go to Yeosang's cabin to get some clothes. When we get to Tortuga we'll get you some clothes of your own." Seonghwa tells her, absentmindedly placing a hand on her thigh, rubbing his thumb back and forth. She raises her eyebrow at him, causing him to blush. She jumps off the counter and makes her way to Yeosang's cabin. She walks in but doesn't see anyone so she goes to his wardrobe. As soon as she opens the doors Yeosang walks out of the bathroom and stands right behind her.

"Stealing are you Love?" He asks with a taunting tone.

"Just practicing my pirate skills." She jokes towards him. "I came to get clothes for when we get to Tortuga."

"You should probably bathe too. I could help if you'd like." He says teasingly.

"Be my guest." She says grabbing the usual shirt and pants, with an additional vest. Yeosang starts to unbutton her shirt from the top, finger tips ghosting over her skin leaving goosebumps in their trails. When all the buttons are undone he slips the shirt off of her shoulders, the top falling to the floor. He moves to the button of her pants.

"Having fun, are you?" She teases him, voice breathy. He continues undoing her pants and they fall to the floor exposing the underwear she's had to wash everyday. She'll be very happy when she gets more pairs. His fingers ghost over the waistband, he grips her hips pulling her backwards against him. He moves his hand to hers and leads her to the washroom. She looks in the mirror, her and Yeosang are the same height and they look beautiful together. With one hand he grabs her hair and pulls her head to the side, nosing at her neck. With the other hand he trails down her body, stopping at the waistband of her underwear, caressing her hips. He lays sweet kisses on her neck. Yeosang is extremely gentle, treating her like fine china, and it's definitely affecting her.

She lets out a small moan when he starts to create bruises on her skin. "I don't think it's fair that I'm almost naked and you're fully clothed." Her voice is breathy but Yeosang still understands her. He spins her around and presses her against the counter.

"Then do something about it." He challenges, and she accepts. She undoes the buttons on his shirt, pulling it off of his shoulders. Des looks at him in the eyes and his flicker down to her lips. She takes the initiative and pulls their lips together. She's assertive with the kiss and he lets her take over. Their lips are so soft together, her fingers are twisted in his belt loops and his hands are on the sides of her neck. She glides her fingers to the button of his pants, undoing them and pushing them down. She pushes him against the wall, breaking their kiss. She kisses his neck, making bruises like he had to her. He pushes his hand under her waistband and her knees almost buckle. She's never felt anything better than Yeosang's finger's. He seems skilled, he'd have to be with how fast he brought her over the edge.

"Yeosang." She whispers when she reaches her high. She returns the favor with her hands and Yeosang was so close before she even touched him, it was no surprise hoe fast he finished. They get into the basin together, laughing and sharing chaste kisses. When they're finished bathing they get dressed again. The marks on both of their necks are visible with how low cut their shirts are. When they're done getting dressed they hear a nock on the door.

"Uh, we're at Tortuga guys." They hear Mingi's voice from the other side. Des opens the door and smiles up at him. He was already blushing when she opened the door, most likely from the trail of clothes leading to the bathroom, but he still gives a genuine smile back to the girl.

"Thank you Mingi. I'll be there in a moment." She pats him on the chest and goes to get her boots from where they were left. Mingi and Yeosang make eye contact, Yeosang smirks at Mingi while his blush deepens. Yeosang boops him on the nose and goes to put his boots on too. They all three walk out of the room together and to the main deck. The sun is going down, they'll be getting off soon.


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