chapter 8

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Desdemona wakes up gasping in air as if she was drowning. She remember everything that happened last night before she fainted. She remembers the ropes, the cold wind nipping at her exposed body, the numbness she had felt in her limbs, the captain, Hongjoong. He had been terrifying, even more so with the fact that he was exceedingly attractive. She remembers his eyes, and how he gave her his coat. Des shakes her head trying to shake the thoughts of him out of her mind. She realizes that she doesn't know where she's at. There's a large desk in front of a fireplace. A bookshelf next to another bed in the room. She jumps out of the bed and runs to one of the doors, she finds herself on the main deck.

"Ah, there you are sleepin' beauty. I thought you might never wake up." She looks in the direction she heard the voice. Above her she sees the captain smirking down at her from the helm area where he's controlling the ship's steering wheel.

"You tried to kill me!" Des yells at him. At the moment it's the only thing on her mind. The crew that is doing their work on the ship looks at her like she's gone mad. Maybe she has.

"I wasn't exactly trying to kill you. Just frighten ya a lil' bit." Hongjoong says with a mean laugh not even looking at her, he had already averted his attention back to his task. "You were on my ship without my permission, it's the least you deserve." He continues with a more serious look on his face.

"It's not like I chose to be on here you twat, I was kidnapped!" Desdemona exclaims while walking up the stairs to the helm

"Yes I know, and Jongho will receive his punishment as well." Hongjoong states while rolling his eyes. He would rather be any where else if it meant not having to be in this conversation. But alas he can't walk away from the ship's wheel, at least the girl is still pretty while she's mad. "If you would be so kind as to get Seonghwa for me, he's in the med-bay kitten."

"Don't call me that." Des mutters but still moves towards the stairs to get Seonghwa. It's not that she doesn't enjoy the pet name, in fact she enjoys it a little too much. Hongjoong notices this as he smirks at the blush adorning her cheeks and ears. She has trouble finding the med-bay as she's only ever gone through the passages, but she eventually finds it.

"There you are princess, I was wondering if you were still alive after last night." San tries to ease her, he can see the look on her face and he's worried about everything that Hongjoong may had done to her. He had only heard small details from Mingi, Whenever anyone asked Mingi about the encounter last night he tenses up a little, seeming like he doesn't want to relive it. San doesn't know if it was really that bad, Mingi can be dramatic sometimes. All she does is roll her eyes, a small smile slipping on her face. San will take the small victory.

"Seonghwa, Hongjoong told me he wants you." Des spoke in Seonghwa's direction.

"He always wants Seonghwa." San says while making a suggestive expression towards Seonghwa.

"Thank you." He tells Desdemona as he's getting up. There's a small blush on his face and Des is quite confused but intrigued.

"The cap'n and his first mate get along quite well, if ya know what I mean." San explains with a smile when he sees the confusion on her face. "So, was last night really that bad?" He acknowledges what he had said when the girl walked into the room. He doesn't want to make her uncomfortable, but he's dying to know.

"Well, I was roped to the arm of the ship half naked with an unknown man calling me a whore. It was quite frightening, but there wasn't much bodily damage. Besides me almost freezing to death." She answers with a stoic face. San's eyes widen, Mingi had definitely not mentioned the part about the girl almost being naked or how Hongjoong called her a whore. But San did remember Mingi saying something about a kitten. San can't seem to get a word out so Desdemona continues talking.

"Do you know where our next port is? Since Hongjoong didn't kill me I assume he will let me off there, I'd like to know where I'm being dumped at."

"Uhm, Tortuga." San finally gets out still a little in shock. He snaps back when Desdemona groans.

"That's definitely not what I was hoping for." She says exasperated. "Do you mind showing me to Yeosang's cabin so I can get some more clothes?" It's then that San realizes she's still wearing only his shirt, as much as he would like to continue seeing her in it he doesn't trust some of the crew members. So he nods and leads her to Yeosang's cabin. When they walk in they are met with the sight of Yeosang and Jongho cuddled onto the same bed. It looks like Yeosang had been reading to the other.

"Thank Calypso, I was a little worried about what Hongjoong had done to you but you're okay." Jongho gets up from the bed, running to hold Desdemona's face turning it from side to side. He's shirtless and Des can't say she isn't enjoying the view.

"Yes, I'm fine I came to see if Yeosang would lend me some more clothes." She says smiling at Jongho then turing her gaze to Yeosang's direction.

"Of course Love, no need to ask." He says getting up and walking to his wardrobe. He gives her a shirt much like the last one, with brown pants and a pair of brown boots. She changes in front of the men much like last time, and none of them say anything.

"Yeosang, is it okay if I borrow one of your books?" Des asks him.

"You're able to read?" Yeosang questions and Des realizes her little slip up.

"Yes, my family was very wealthy." She answers quickly. The boys easily believe her, as they do not know much about her. She picks out a book and thanks Yeosang. She then leaves with San to the med-bay.

for the sake of the story yeosang is the shortest member and joong hwa and san are the same height :D also i didn't reread this so sorry for mistakes

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