chapter 7

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Desdemona had went to sleep that night with Wooyoung again. She wakes up shivering trying to reach for the blankets but she can't move her hands. She opens her eyes in a panic thrashing against the ropes tying her to the main arm of the ship. Her hands are behind her back and her feet and legs are precisely tied together, keeping her from moving. Her torso is roped to the arm, she can hardly breath from how tight the knots are. She continues to struggle, trying to scream but her mouth is gagged. She hears a sadistic laugh come from in front of her.

"Aww are you strugglin' kitten?" There's a man in front of her. He has bleached blonde hair and tanned skin. His features are sharp and there's a sadistic smirk on his face. He's taller than she is, maybe around San and Wooyoung's height.

Desdemona tries to talk, but the gag only lets her make so much noise.

"Oh, that's right." He laughs meanly, "you can't talk." He sits in front of her and looks at Desdemona with a pathetic pout.

"So how'd you get on here huh? Did ya sneak on? Or maybe you got in bed with one of the crew mates." Desdemona furiously shakes her head. "Oh, so you're not a whore? Kinda surprising with those clothes ya got. Who's are they, San's?" She looks at what she's wearing. It's just another black shirt that San had gave her. No wonder she was freezing, she didn't have any pants on. She blushes at the realization that with the way she's tied up, the man can see her underwear.

"Aww are you gettin' shy? From what I heard you weren't shy when you were flaunting yourself to the crew below deck. Or when I found you sleeping in bed with Wooyoung. Do you only get shy for me kitten?" The man's words only make her blush harder, her face not being the only thing she feels heating up. She can't help but find the man attractive, but at the moment her fear out weighs her arousal.

"Do you know who I am kitten?" She shakes her head no, still shivering. "I'm the captain of the ship you're on, I run this place." Oh no, is it? "I'm Captain Hongjoong." Fear courses through her body. Oh God, he found her. He must be able to see the fear in her eyes.

"Oh you're scared? That's adorable kitten." He pets her on the head and she flinches away, but she can't move very far. "Well if you didn't sleep with someone, or sneak on, were you kidnapped?" Desdemona shakes her head yes. "You were kidnapped, poor thing." He says with false sympathy. Desdemona is shivering even harder, she's probably on the brink of hypothermia. She tries to tell him how cold she is through the gag but it's not working. Her body is numb and she's getting delirious. She's about to start crying when Hongjoong rolls his eyes and pulls down the gag.

"What?" He asks harshly.

"I-I'm co... c-cold." She barely gets the words out due to her shivering.

"Maybe if you weren't dressed like a whore you'd be warmer, kitten." He says while standing up and taking off his jacket. He lays it on her exposed body. "There, now stop complaining." The jacket adds more warmth than she was expecting. "Which one was it?" Desdemona looks at him confused. He rolls his eyes, "Which member kidnapped you?"

"J-Jongho?" She's still a little delirious, not really aware of what she's saying. She feels dizzy, like she's about to pass out. After fighting, and fighting, her vision goes black.

Hongjoong's POV

"I thought you said you were going to go easy on her." Mingi comes out from where he was hiding, there's an obvious pout in his voice.

"I did, I gave her my coat." Hongjoong says untying the ropes. He picks Des up bridal style carrying her to his cabin. When he had found out about Des he consulted Seonghwa and Mingi. Mingi had said he wanted to be there when Hongjoong confronted Des, so Hongjoong allowed Mingi to be there as long as he stayed hidden.

"Tying her up wasn't really necessary." Mingi said quietly once they got to Hongjoong's cabin.

"Go to bed now Mingi, she'll be alright." Seonghwa says from the desk as Hongjoong lays Des down on his bed,

"Okay, g'night." He says and Seonghwa gets up to lay a kiss on his cheek.

"Goodnight Mingi." Hongjoong says as Mingi leaves the room.

"I thought you were going to leave her out there." Seonghwa says to Hongjoong once Mingi is gone.

"I was going to, but she reminds me of you." Hongjoong says laying a hand on Seonghwa's waist. "When you had snuck on the ship and I tied you up to the arm of the ship, you kept fighting. So did she."

"Are you still going to kick her off at the next port?" Seonghwa asks.

"I don't know, I haven't decided." Hongjoong replies with a smirk.

"The boys really like her and I think you do too." Seonghwa says a smirk on his face. "Why else would you have not decided about letting her stay."

"I have a feeling that she needs our help. As much as I don't want to help her though." Hongjoong sighs.

"I think we should help her, even if she doesn't say that she needs our help." Seonghwa whispers.

"I hate when you're right." Hongjoong says rolling his eyes at Seonghwa.

"You wish you could hate me." Seonghwa smiles at him. They get into Seonghwa's bed so Des can sleep alone.

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