Chapter 3

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Kaia Kestis

"Remind me again why we're sitting in a cantina on Bracca waiting for a pirate," Ben grumbled, readjusting the dull greenish-gray cap that, along with a black poncho with orange on the shoulders and a brown strap that went from his left shoulder across his chest, completed his scrapper disguise.

"I told you, my contact has valuable information about Crimson Dawn," Kaia replied, slightly annoyed. "Specifically, it's whereabouts."

"Or so he says," Ben pointed out. Kaia frowned at him, but didn't comment as the server droid approached their booth.

"What can I get you three?" it asked in a male voice, tilting its head expectantly.

"We'll take two Venators and-" Kaia paused, glancing in Lyra's direction, then added, "One Junkyard Fizz."

The server droid nodded and went back over to the bar, nearly getting knocked over by a drunk Quarren who fell out of his chair. "I don't like it here," Lyra muttered, leaning forward in the booth to study the rest of the cantina and its patrons.

Kaia put one hand on her shoulder and pulled her friend back into a normal sitting position. "Me neither, and it'll be a lot worse if we attract unwanted attention."

"Which is why we're dressed like scrappers," Ben concluded.

Kaia nodded. "Practically everyone here is a scrapper, so it's the best way to blend in." The server droid came back with their drinks, setting the two blue Venators in front of Kaia and Ben and placing the fruity-looking Junkyard Fizz, which, like its name suggested, was fizzing wildly, in front of Lyra.

"Well this looks fun," Lyra remarked, grabbing her glass and taking an experimental sip. She instantly jerked back, blinking rapidly and making a face.

"Too fizzy?" Kaia asked with a grin, taking a sip of her Venator. It was strong, unlike the Junkyard Fizz, but much like most other drinks served on Bracca. It made her head hurt a little, but she knew it would dull after a while.

"Yes," Lyra gasped, going in for another try. This time, her reaction was more controlled, though her eyes still teared up a little. "Although it's actually pretty good if you ignore it."

"Well, I'm glad you like it," Kaia replied, turning her gaze towards the entrance to the cantina. Her contact was supposed to send someone to meet them, and they would be arriving any minute now.

"Wow, this is strong," Ben was saying to her right, examining his glass before taking another careful sip.

"You get used to it," Kaia responded absently, her attention caught by a Weequay paused at the entrance, scanning the crowd as if looking for someone. She sat back in the booth, pulling her hood a little more over her face and setting her Venator down on the circular table in front of them. "I think our escort is here."

"Where?" Ben asked, sitting up straighter. Lyra glanced around the cantina and continued to down her drink, apparently no longer bothered by the fizziness.

"By the entrance," Kaia answered, keeping her voice low. "The Weequay."

"I think he spotted us," Ben warned. "He's coming over."

A few moments later, a leathery-skinned Weequay with a red bandana tied around his head approached their table. Without pausing to give any sort of explanation, he said, "Come on, you three." He radiated irritation and impatience in the Force, and Kaia immediately knew they should be wary of him. She could tell from the suspicion on Ben's face that he had sensed it too.

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