Chapter 10

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Ben Solo

"Are you sure this is going to work?" As Ben finished putting on his pilot disguise, he turned to see Lyra staring doubtfully down at her own disguise, a two-piece dark blue dress with an open back that went down to her knees.

"It has to work," Kaia responded, slipping her vibroblade into its sheath on her leg. She wore an identical dress to Lyra, except hers was a dark purple instead of blue. The dresses were purposefully a little revealing, since that was usually what rich crime lords-really, anyone it seemed-preferred their female servants to wear.

Lyra clearly wasn't very happy to be wearing it, but Kaia didn't seem very bothered. Ben couldn't help but stare at her as she finished getting ready.

"Well, how do I look?" He realized she had caught him looking, and he felt a momentary flash of embarrassment.

"Uh, good," he responded quickly. "You look good."

She grinned and ran a hand through her hair self-consciously. "Thanks."

Before either of them could say anything else, Hux came strolling in from the Mantis' cockpit, adjusting the collar of his very expensive tunic that completed his disguise. He was posing as a rich aristocrat hoping to join Black Sun, and Ben would be his pilot and bodyguard, with BD-1, who had been waiting patiently on the Mantis for them when they had returned with Hux, to help.

Kaia and Lyra were Hux's 'gifts' for Pavan Ras in exchange for joining the syndicate. If all went according to plan, when Hux was asked to meet with the heads of Black Sun, they would slip the sleeping draught Kaia had brewed, thanks to what Merrin had taught her, into the drinks of the other leaders. Then Kaia would deal with Ras and they could return to Crimson Dawn.

"I've contacted Black Sun," Hux announced. "We need to be there in one hour." He paused to study everyone's disguises, his eyes lingering on Lyra a little longer than Ben would have liked.

Kaia noticed too, and she cleared her throat loudly. Hux jerked around to face her, his expression instantly becoming annoyed. "What?"

"If we need to be there in an hour, then we need to leave now," she responded with an edge to her voice. She glanced at Ben and her tone became lighter when she spoke. "You're the pilot, so you can fly the Mantis, and Hux will sit in the cockpit with you."

"Are you sure Greez will be OK with it?" Ben asked doubtfully.

"Oh no, he'll kill you," Kaia replied. She patted him on the shoulder. "But don't worry, I won't tell him." She jerked a thumb towards the cockpit. "Now get in there and fly."

"What about you and Lyra?" Ben asked.

"We'll sit back here," Kaia responded with a shrug. "Now seriously, go." She turned to Hux. "That means you too."

Hux scowled at her, but followed Ben into the cockpit nonetheless. He took his seat in the copilot's chair, while Ben settled into the pilot's seat.

He took a moment to power up the thrusters, then turned back to where Kaia and Lyra were sitting in the seats on either side of the holomap, where BD-1 was perched, just outside the cockpit. "Alright, here we go."

Slowly, with expert skill, he eased the Mantis out of the landing bay and into the busy traffic of Coruscant. The Mantis was larger than most of the speeders and other vehicles in the traffic lanes, but Ben managed to navigate through fairly easily, and soon, they were landing on the landing pad outside of Black Sun's headquarters.

Ben powered down the thrusters and removed his crash webbing before making his way to the center of the ship, where the girls and BD-1 were already waiting, Hux following close behind.

"You have the vial?" Ben asked Kaia as he moved over to the control panel that lowered the ramp.

Kaia nodded. "I do." She gestured towards BD-1, who was hopping excitedly from foot to foot, and added, "But you almost forgot BD."

"Oh, right," Ben muttered. He paused to allow the little droid to scamper up his leg and settle on his shoulder. He turned his attention back to the control panel. "Here we go."

He pressed a button and the ramp began to lower, revealing several Falleen guards waiting for them.

"Bristan Talv," one of them said, addressing Hux. "Pavan Ras, leader of Black Sun, welcomes you."

"It is an honor to be here," Hux replied as he started down the ramp, Kaia and Lyra trailing behind him, while Ben brought up the rear.

The Falleen guards led them into the large building that served as Black Sun's headquarters, then brought them into what appeared to be some sort of throne room.

Sitting on the throne was an impressive looking Falleen male dressed in purple and gold robes with his graying black hair tied up in a ponytail, though the rest of his green head was, like all Falleen, bald. His fingers were laced together and he had one leg crossed over the other as he watched his guests approach with a pleased grin on his face.

"Welcome, my friend," he greeted as soon as Ben and the others stopped at the foot of his very expensive looking throne. He was of course, only speaking to Hux, since Ben was only a bodyguard and Kaia and his sister were just servants. "I am Pavan Ras, head of Crimson Dawn."

"It is an honor to be in your presence," Hux responded, giving a small bow. He gestured towards Kaia and Lyra. "And I've come bearing gifts."

Pavan Ras clearly liked that. His smile widened and he sat forward in his throne, eyeing the "servants" with interest. Ben forced himself not to blast the crime lord right then and there.

"These two will do nicely," Ras remarked. He looked up at one of the guards standing by the doorway through which Ben and the others had entered and sat back in his chair again. "Take them away. I want them ready for the feast we will have in honor of our newest member."

"Of course, sir." The guard stepped forward and gestured for Kaia and Lyra to follow him. They obeyed without protest, walking ahead of the guard as they exited the room.

After they had left, Pavan Ras spoke again. "Well, Bristan Talv, welcome to Black Sun. It is my hope that you do not fail me as others have."

"Thank you, sir," Hux responded. "I will do my best to serve you well."

Ras grinned again. "Good." He stood, revealing his tall stature. "Now let's celebrate."

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