The Next Sequel

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I'm not done with this story or the characters yet! I have a lot more stories planned with them, and the generations to come after them (hint, hint). I'm currently working on the next installment of the story, or rather, a collection of installments, and I'm so excited for you all to read it!

It's called Tales from the New Republic, and it takes place after the events of the first two books in this series, and it's essentially written in a Clone Wars style, where it's separated into different parts that focus on different individual st...

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It's called Tales from the New Republic, and it takes place after the events of the first two books in this series, and it's essentially written in a Clone Wars style, where it's separated into different parts that focus on different individual storylines that connect to form a bigger story, if that makes sense.

It's going to be super fun and I can't wait!

Thanks for reading!

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