Chapter 12

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Ersela Kryze

"We found Kelsa," Connix's hologram reported. "She was being taken care of by the Talz. Her injuries are somewhat severe, but we put her in a bacta tank to heal."

"Thank you," Ersela said. "And did you figure out what happened?"

"Yes, ma'am," Connix replied. "Kelsa says she was attacked by a Sith."

"So, Rey was right," Ersela muttered, shocked. "This isn't good."

"That's not all, Chancellor," Connix said. "Kelsa says that the Sith was Cora Tonra."

Ersela gasped and cupped a hand over her mouth. This was worse than she had expected. "How did this happen?"

Connix shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't get a chance to ask before they put her in the bacta tank, but I can ask her when she's out."

"Please do," Ersela said. Connix nodded, then her image faded as the transmission ended.

Ersela sat back in her chair, rubbing her face with her hands. This was the last thing a rebuilding republic needed.

After a moment, she leaned forward and contacted Rey, and a moment later, the Jedi's holographic image appeared on her desk. She seemed tired, as if she had been putting all her energy into finding the mysterious dark force she had sensed-and Ersela knew that was exactly what she had been doing.

"What is it, Chancellor?" Rey asked.

"That dark force you felt," Ersela began, getting right to the point. "I think I know what it was."

"Really?" Rey exclaimed, sounding hopeful. "What is it?"

"Kelsa Antilles has an encounter with a Sith on Arkane Prime," Ersela responded.

"A Sith?" Rey echoed. "Who?"

"That's the strange part," Ersela replied. "It was Cora Tonra."

Rey's eyes widened with shock. "I don't understand. How-"

"I don't know," Ersela responded. "They haven't been able to ask her yet."

"Why not?" Rey demanded, looking troubled.

"Apparently, Cora attacked her," Ersela replied. "Her injuries are serious, but she'll survive."

Rey looked relieved. "That's good to hear." Her expression went serious again. "But I need to know what happened."

"I understand," Ersela said. "As soon as Kelsa is released from the medbay, I'll contact you. Then, she can tell us what happened."

"Very well," Rey said, dipping her head in agreement. "I'll be waiting for your communication. May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you," Ersela echoed, then ended the transmission.

For a while, she just sat, thinking, trying to figure out what to do next. She needed Kelsa to be released from the medbay and tell her what exactly had happened on Arkane Prime. Having a Sith on the loose somewhere in the Galaxy was the exact opposite of what the rebuilding New Republic needed. This needed to be dealt with immediately.

"Come on, Kelsa," she muttered under her breath, tapping her fingers against her desk. "I need to talk to you."

She sat at her desk for an hour before her comlink beeped again, and she quickly activated it. Kelsa appeared, looking battered and bruised, and still wearing several bandages.

"You wanted to talk to me, Chancellor?" she asked hoarsely. Clearly, she was still in pain, but had decided to speak with Ersela anyways.

"Yes, I did," Ersela said. "Tell me everything that happened on Arkane Prime."

"Of course, Chancellor," Kelsa replied. "We were able to locate a cave containing kyber crystals, but to find them, Cora and I split up.

"I ended up finding the crystals, but when I commed Cora to let her know, she didn't respond," Kelsa continued. "I went to find her, and when I did, she was standing in front of some weird coffin, and when I told her we could leave, she turned around and attacked me. I don't know how I made it out alive to be honest."

"Do you know where she went?" Ersela asked hopefully, although she knew she probably wouldn't get a good answer.

Kelsa shook her head. "No. After my X-Wing exploded, she left. I was unconscious by then."

"I figured as much," Ersela sighed. "Is there anything else you can tell me?"

Kelsa nodded, then winced as though the action hurt, which Ersela was sure it did. "She called herself 'Darth Caedaris' and when she talked, it sounded like it wasn't just her voice."

"Like she was possessed?" Ersela inquired.

"I guess that's one possibility," Kelsa replied. "I didn't really have time to stop and think about it." She paused, her expression thoughtful. "That would explain the coffin though."

"What do you mean?" Ersela asked.

"Well, the coffin she was standing over when I found her, it was open," Kelsa explained. "Maybe something came out of it and did something to her. I don't really understand all of the Force stuff, but maybe that's something that can happen."

"Perhaps," Ersela agreed. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. "I wonder if Kaia or Ben would have any insight on the situation."

"They probably do," Kelsa responded. "But aren't they a little busy right now? What about Rey?"

"She's a powerful Jedi, but she hasn't been one for as long as Kaia and Ben," Ersela pointed out. "She might not know as much as they do. Besides, Kaia deserves to know what happened to her friend, and so does Lyra."

"That's fair," Kelsa said. "But again, their busy."

"I know," Ersela assured her. "But this is important. They need to know."

"OK, so just send them a transmission after this," Kelsa said.

Ersela shook her head. "No, I want you to tell them yourself, in person."

Kelsa blinked. "Are you sure I can't just send them a transmission instead then?"

"Yes, I am," Ersela replied. "They need to know all the details, and I think it'd be better if you were there to tell them personally."

Kelsa looked skeptical, but said, "If that's what you want me to do, then I will. Where are they now?"

"According to Kaia's last transmission, they're on Vandor," Ersela responded. "Apparently, that's where Crimson Dawn's headquarters are."

"I guess I'll be on my way then," Kelsa said.

"Very good," Ersela said. "And when you see them, please tell them to come to Scarif. I'll meet them there."

"OK, I will," Kelsa responded. "See you then."

"See you then," Ersela repeated, then ended the transmission. There. It was done. Now all she had to do was wait. 

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