Chapter 25

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Kelsa Antilles

After the briefing, Kelsa went straight for the hangar, BB-11 rolling along beside her. She was already in her bright orange flight suit, and she cradled her helmet under one arm as she made her way into the hangar, where her X-Wing was waiting.

Inside, it was bustling with activity. Pilots were hurrying to their ships, as mechanics scrambled to get them all refueled and battle ready. There were also several newcomers in civilian ships who had volunteered to help in the battle, like they had in the Battle of Exegol, except there were a lot less of them this time.

Kelsa made it over to her X-Wing, where the same blue-skinned Theelin mechanic who had gotten her X-Wing ready for Vandor was refueling it. She looked up as Kelsa approached.

"Sorry Captain, it's gonna be a little bit," the Theelin apologized. "The tank was almost empty, and I still have to do some tweaking on one of the thrusters from that last battle. She'll be ready for you in time though, don't worry."

"OK, good," Kelsa said. She was about to resign herself to just standing by her ship and waiting for it to be ready, when she heard someone calling her name.

"Kelsa Antilles!" She spun around to see a green-haired man, who looked to be about her age, coming over to her.

"Yes?" she asked as he came to a stop in front of her. She had never seen him before-she would have remembered someone with such a distinct appearance, with his choppy green hair and striking blue eyes-but he clearly knew who she was.

"I'm Jacen Syndulla," he introduced himself, holding out a hand for her to shake, which she accepted, and he shook it vigorously. "It's an honor to meet you."

"Wait, you're Hera Syndulla's son?" she asked. Hera Syndulla was a legendary pilot, one of the best in the entire Rebel Alliance during the war against the Empire, and she was still one of the most respected pilots in the New Republic. Kelsa herself had looked up to her since she was a little girl. According to the stories Kelsa had heard, the Twi'lek pilot had fallen in love with a Jedi named Kanan Jarrus, and had been pregnant with their son when he had died, and that son was Jacen Syndulla, who was standing in front of her now.

Jacen nodded. "Yep, that's me. But I'm not nearly as good of a pilot as her." He laughed at that, and Kelsa laughed as well.

"I don't think anyone is," she responded. "Don't tell Poe I said that."

"I won't," Jacen promised, laughing again.

"So why'd you come over here?" Kelsa asked. "Just to say 'hi'?"

"Well, yeah," Jacen said with an awkward shrug. "I think you're really cool and if you ask me, you're one of the best pilots here, and I have a lot of respect for that, 'cause of my mom of course." He paused for a moment, then added, grinning, "Just don't tell Poe I said that."

Kelsa snorted a laugh. "Deal."

"I also wanted to ask you if you wanted to see our ship," Jacen offered. "Well, really it's my mom's ship and I just fly it with her and help fix things, but still, you can come look at it if you want."

"You mean the Ghost?" Kelsa asked, getting a little excited. The Ghost was Hera's ship, and it was just as legendary as her. Kelsa had always dreamed of actually getting to see it, and now was her chance.

"That's the one," Jacen responded with a nod.

"Then yes, absolutely I want to see your ship," Kelsa said. BB-11 beeped at her indignantly, wanting to follow. "No, you stay here." She turned back to Jacen and gestured for him to start walking."Lead the way."

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