Chapter 14

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Darth Caedaris

Everything was coming along rather well. Darth Caedaris and her forces made it to Malachor without issue, and they were quickly transforming that abandoned Sith Temple underground and area around it into their base of operations

Their numbers continued to grow as well, as more and more old Imperial and old First Order loyalists heard whispers of a new Empire, of a new Final Order, they were quick to seek Caedaris and her army out. They brought with them ships and weapons and technology, allowing the Final Order to continue growing in strength. Soon, they would be strong enough to make a move against the New Republic and take over the Galaxy once and for all.

"You have done well, Caedaris," Palpatine's voice praised her.

"Thank you, my Lord," she responded. "Soon our plan will be set into motion."

"That it will," another voice, this one a female Sith, agreed. "Soon, we will crush the Jedi and the New Republic like the vermin they are and take this Galaxy for ourselves."

"Now, now," yet another voice, a male with an oozy, cool voice, cut in. "We must not get ahead of ourselves. Caedaris, how soon will your forces be ready?"

"I predict we will be ready in less than three days, my Lord," Caedaris replied. "Our numbers are growing quickly."

"Very good," the female voice remarked. "Then we shall reveal ourselves to the Galaxy."

"Indeed, Lady Raesha," the other Sith said. "But there can be no room for error this time."

"And we must warn you, it appears that someone has caught on to our plan," Lady Raesha added.

"Who?" Caedaris demanded sharply.

"Kaia Kestis," Palpatine replied. "You cannot allow her to interfere."

"We will not tolerate failure," Lady Raesha added.

"Of course, my Lords," Caedaris said. "I will not fail you."

"No, you will not," Palpatine agreed. "Or else you will be punished for your failure."

"I suggest you start your search for Kestis with Black Sun," the other male Sith suggested, and then the voices were gone.

Caedaris took a deep breath and opened her eyes, back in her quarters inside the renovated Sith Temple. She felt slightly drained from contacting the spirits of deceased Sith, but she pushed the fatigue away. It was a weakness, and Sith did not tolerate weakness. Instead, she drew upon her rage at the fact that Kaia Kestis, a Jedi, had caught on to her plan, and her desire for her mission to succeed.

She continued to sit where she was in the dark room, cross-legged and back to the door, until she had collected herself, and then she stood, reaching out a hand to summon her new double-bladed lightsaber and clipping it onto her belt before stepping out into the brightness of the hallway outside.

Everyone she passed on the way to the central command center was sure to stay out of her way, which was appreciated, and she chose to ignore the occasional glances cast her way. She knew that some of them were afraid of her, and that was good. They should be afraid. Sith thrived on fear. It was a weapon, and one Caedaris would not hesitate to use.

When she entered the command center, everyone snapped to attention, watching her closely.

"What is it, my Lady?" one of the officers by the holotable in the center of the room, Darra Jume, the mother of the infant Caedaris had seen earlier, asked. She seemed braver than the rest of the officers, and while Caedaris savored the fear she inspired in her other subordinates, she couldn't help but admire the woman. She was one of the few in this room she truly trusted.

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