Chapter 15

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Kaia Kestis

As Kaia swept past the guards, carrying the head of Pavan Ras wrapped up in cloth in one hand, with Ben, BD-1 on his shoulder, Lyra, Hux, and Chena following behind her, into Tarin Sallus' office, she could feel his shock in the Force, although he kept his face a cool mask.

"Pavan Ras' head, as requested," she announced, dropping the head onto his desk, purposefully allowing the cloth to unfold to reveal the gruesome trophy. Tarin's face paled and he took a quick sip of his Coruscanti whiskey as he regained his composure.

"Very-ah-impressive, my dear," he said, eyeing the head with a slightly sick expression, although Kaia could see he was trying very hard to hide it. He glanced at everyone standing behind her and added, "I see you have some new friends."

"They wanted to help, so I let them," Kaia replied with a shrug. "You didn't say anything about outside help."

Sallus tapped his fingers on his desk, clearly irritated. "That is true, Lady Kestis. I assume it is time for me to accept your challenge."

Kaia nodded, inwardly enjoying his discomfort. "That would be correct."

"Very well," Sallus said, standing up from his chair. "Let's get this over with. Meet me outside in five minutes. Your other friends are waiting for you in your suite, which Margo will show you to."

He indicated Margo with a wave, and Kaia and her friends followed the Imroosian woman back into the elevator. A few moments later, they emerged onto a floor with several rooms, and Margo led them to the one farthest to the right.

"Thank you," Kaia said after the woman had shown her the passcode for the door.

"It's my pleasure," Margo replied with a smile. "I'm glad someone will finally be putting Tarin in his place." She winked, and before Kaia could say anything in response, she was already making her way to the elevator.

"I like her," Chena remarked as Kaia opened the door, and both Lyra and Kaia nodded in agreement.

As Sallus had said, Greez and Merrin were already inside, and as soon as they saw Kaia and her friends standing in the doorway, they came rushing over and Merrin wrapped her in a tight embrace.

"Thank goodness you're alright," she exclaimed, letting Kaia go so she could breathe again.

"Why wouldn't she be?" Greez demanded, coming up behind her. "My ship is what I'm worried about."

Kaia and Ben exchanged glances. Greez caught their look and his eyes narrowed. "What. Happened. To. My. Ship."

"It's fine, it's still in one piece, don't worry," Kaia said quickly. "It may, however, have been shot at and it may have been hit...a couple times."

"And who was flying it?" Greez asked through gritted teeth. Hux and Chena, who had no idea what was going on, quickly stepped inside the room, behind Greez, and Lyra quickly followed. They did not want to be involved with this, and Kaia didn't blame them.

"It was m-" she started to say, not wanting Ben to suffer Greez's wrath and knowing he might go easier on her, but she was quickly cut off by Ben.

"It was me," he said, moving to stand beside her. "If you're going to be mad at anyone, be mad at me. I was flying the Mantis when it was attacked."

"Only because I told you to fly it," Kaia interjected. Why was he making this harder on himself? "It's my fault for letting you."

"No, it's mine," Ben insisted. "Don't listen to her. It's my fault."

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