Chapter 30

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Two Weeks Later...

It had been two weeks since the Battle of Malachor. The New Republic had won, driving the Final Order off the planet and stamping them out as best they could. Although most of their enemies forces had been destroyed, killed, or captured, everyone knew that the Final Order wasn't really gone, not for good anyway. It's reemergence in the first place was enough to prove that.

And even though the Sith spirits had been defeated, the Sith themselves were far from gone, it was clear. The Force-sensitive children that had been stolen by Darth Caedaris were still missing, having vanished without a trace, despite the Jedi's best efforts to find them. And there was another darkness growing, looming quietly in the background, waiting for a chance to strike.

But now was not that time. Now was a time of peace and prosperity, as the New Republic once again regained its footing and continued on its path to rebuild and create a brighter future for the beings of the Galaxy.

And it was also a time to celebrate their recent victories, and so that was what they were doing at Kaia's new villa on Naboo.

She had purchased it only a few days after the Battle of Malachor, to make it her primary place of residence when she wasn't traveling on business with Crimson Dawn or fulfilling Jedi duties on Coruscant and Scarif.

It was a beautiful home, overlooking one of the many gorgeous lakes that surrounded Theed, with the elegant domed architecture customary of the planet, and equally elegant furnishings, although she was sure to add her own personalizations later. It reminded her of her home when she was a little girl, and it was the perfect place to settle down and relax for a little while. Or to throw a massive party with all of the most important New Republic figures in attendance, including the Chancellor herself.

There were drinks, food, and live music, and a dance floor in the center of the large room that served as the party space, with large windows that allowed a view of the breathtaking natural surroundings and the sunlight to stream in, lighting up the room.

As the guests arrived, Kaia was there to personally greet them all, putting on a dazzling smile and doing her best to act as hostess. She had never hosted a party before, it simply wasn't something that happened at the Jedi Temple she had grown up in, or in the First Order or Resistance, but she was a natural. It must have been something she had gotten from her mother.

Lyra and Hux were among the first to arrive, arm in arm, looking every bit like the couple they now were after making the decision to be together almost as soon as Hux had been released from the hospital. Hux was wearing his traditional formal Crimson Dawn attire, a pair of black pants with a black tunic bearing a golden Crimson Dawn pendant just below his neckline, with glossy black boots that went up almost to his knees that clacked against the floor as he walked, while Lyra was wearing a simple but elegant dress that faded from purple at the bottom to a gentle ombré of pink that got lighter the higher up her body it went, with puffy sleeves that were open on the front and back, and her hair had been secured out of her face by braids on either side of her head that had been pulled back and tied together, with two more framing her delicate face, which was adorned with only the lightest amount of makeup, in sweet shades of pink that rosyed her cheeks and brightened her already bright face.

To outsiders, they might have seemed like an odd pairing-an uptight, former high-ranking First Order officer turned crime syndicate advisor and the kind, gentle daughter of two of the Galaxy's most famous heroes, but to those who knew them, they knew they were the perfect match. She softened his sharp edges, and he would do anything to make her happy. They complimented each other wonderfully.

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