Chapter 24

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Ersela Kryze

The conflict with the Final Order went on for longer than Ersela would have liked, but after a few months, it was clear that it was coming to its climax. The Final Order's strength had been building, but so had the New Republic's. And now, they knew where the Final Order was hiding-Malachor. It had taken some time, and some intel gathering, to find it, but now that they knew where their enemy was, they were ready to attack.

And so, Ersela had called this meeting, to discuss the plans for the final battle against the Final Order. Gathered around her at the holotable where the surface of Malachor was being displayed were her friends, advisors, and several important generals and military members, both currently serving and veterans alike.

"You all know why we're gathered here today," she began, her voice regal and confident. "It's time to launch our final attack against the Final Order." She gestured to Poe. "General Dameron will be in charge of this briefing." She gave him a nod, signaling him to take over. "General Dameron."

"Thank you, Chancellor," Poe responded, before turning his attention to everyone gathered around the holotable and stepping forward. "Thanks to our intel, we now know that the Final Order base is on Malachor." He pressed a button, and several Star Destroyers appeared surrounding the planet. "There are three Resurgent-class Star Destroyers defending the planet, and at least five more planetside. We're going to have to get past them to get to the actual base."

He pressed another button, and a fleet of ten New Republic ships, of various classes and designs, appeared opposite Malachor and the Star Destroyers protecting it, facing towards the enemy. "The fleet will attack these first three Destroyers-" He indicated the three Star Destroyers visible on the display around the planet. "Which will draw the other Destroyers' attention away from the base to the battle, giving our guys a chance to get to the base and start their attack runs before the rest of the fighting goes planetside. I'll be leading the attack runs myself, and Chancellor Kryze will be personally commanding the fleet."

He indicated Ersela with a nod, and she nodded back. She was well aware that most leaders would have chosen to stay behind, but she was not most leaders. This was an important battle, perhaps the most important one of all, one that would put an end to the conflict with the Final Order if everything went according to plan, and she would not sit idly by, stuck behind a desk on Coruscant, while it happened. She was a Mandalorian, and Mandalorians did not sit idly by. And even if she wasn't one, if her people were going to risk their lives to protect everything they believed in and had been working so hard to rebuild, then so would she. And so she was.

Poe continued on, pressing another button so that the display changed to show the actual Final Order base itself. "This is our main target. We destroy the base, we destroy the Final Order. It has minimal defenses, since they're counting on the fact that no one will find them. There are four turrets on the outer perimeter, and four more surrounding the Sith Temple." He pointed to each one on the display as he talked. "We take those out, and then we can start our attack runs."

"What about Caedaris?" Hux interrupted, from where he was standing beside Kaia and the rest of her crew.

"I'm getting to that," Poe responded with a glare, before turning his attention back to the rest of the group. "Kaia's team will take the Mantis and, once we've gotten rid of the turrets, get to the Sith Temple to find Caesaris and take her on." Kaia and her crew nodded in agreement with the plan. "Once they deal with her, we finish off the Temple and get the hell outta there." He straightened up, and looked around at everyone. "Everyone got the plan?"

There were nods and murmurs of agreement from everyone around the table, and Ersela stepped forward again to finish the briefing. "Thank you, Poe."

"Of course, Chancellor," he responded with a respectful dip of his head.

Ersela directed her attention back to everyone else gathered around the holotable. "Now that everyone knows the plan, it's time we make our move. I want us ready within the hour, am I understood?"

When everyone responded with an affirmative, be it a nod or with words, she finished off the meeting. "Good. You're all dismissed to make your preparations before we leave for battle."

Everyone hurried out of the room, going off to get ready for the battle, except for Kaia, who moved to walk beside Ersela as she left the room, motioning for the rest of her crew to go on ahead of her.

"What is it?" Ersela asked, knowing her friend had something she wanted to say.

"I want to offer Crimson Dawn's service to the battle," she replied. "Our numbers are small, but my pilots are good, and I think it's time Crimson Dawn fights for something actually worth fighting for."

"I'd be glad to accept your offer," Ersela responded. "Thank you."

Kaia inclined her head in acknowledgement. "I'll let them know. Good luck, Chancellor."

"You too," Ersela said as her friend turned to walk away. They were both going to need it.

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