Shuttered glass

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Toshinori stood outside young Midoriya's room, his hand covering his mouth. There were too much questions running around his mind- why was young Midoriya so upset with him? Did he do anything to anger the kid? And who was that man outside his window? How can he help Aizawa? What should he do now?
"All Might sensei, are you okay?" Uraraka appeared out of nowhere, looking at him with confusion. She approached slowly, holding a glass of water in her hand, probably for her sick friend.

"Young Uraraka, what are you doing here?" Toshinori took his hand off of his face, trying to keep himself together. "I heard Deku kun yelling, so I thought he might want to drink something and talk" she said. The girl seemed a bit nervous to the blonde, as if she was afraid of what she will find inside the room.
"Ah, yes, he was indeed yelling in there" half a smile graced Toshinori's face, as he was attempting to hide how offended he was by it. Young Midoriya's words cut through him like a knife.
"What was it all about?" Uraraka asked, curiousity and anxiousness both apparent. "Nothing that should concern you, kid. Is this for young Midoriya?" Toshinori gestured at the water, changing the subject of the conversation a little.
The girl nodded, eyeing the closed door. She seemed eager to come in. "Can I?" She asked, looking back at the teacher. "Yes, of course" he replied, looking away as his phone buzzed. The girl quickly let herself inside the room, not waiting for the man to look back at her.

Toshinori opened the message he received from Aizawa, and his face fell. 'Lost him a few minutes ago, he dissapeared completely! Don't take your eyes off of Midoriya! I think this man is after him somehow. On my way back!' Was written on the screen.
'Where did you lose him?' Toshinori typed, questioning his colleague tracking skills. 'Not very far from Heights Alliance. Be aware for anything suspicios' he replied. Shit. The blonde man stood there, waiting for Aizawa until the homeroom teacher had finally arrived.

"Yagi" said Shouta, nearing his colleague. "Problem child, how is he?" The blonde made a sad face. It seemed that Yagi wasn't pleased with Midoriya's state, which concerned Shouta. "He's... he was pretty upset when I was inside his room, young Uraraka is with him now. Say, Aizawa, did I do something wrong? Do you know if I hurt him somehow?"
"Why, what did he say?" Shouta approached the man. "Was he yelling at you by any chance?" Yagi became paler than usual. "So he said something to you? What did he say?" The man had a tear at the edge of a sunken blue eye. "No, he's dellirius. That's bad, yes, but he wasn't talking to you. He's convinced that his father is here" Shouta explained, watching Yagi's face relax a little before tensing again, saying "We need to get his fever down, but please tell me what you saw first".

Shouta elaborated on the chase he conducted and the findings he had. It was not much, though. The man hid his face well, all Shouta could see was his dark and somewhat fluffy hair. He ran around the property for a while and then disappeared right next to Heights Alliance once again. His target was probably one of 1-A students, Midoriya being the presumed kid.
"And since he can't really defend himself at the moment, I think one of us needs to be inside his room at all times to protect him, until we capture the trespasser. I reported to principal Nezu about it as well" Shouta finished speaking and glanced at the room door.

"Well, now young Uraraka is inside, so he should be fine" Yagi said, glancing at the door as well. Something was off. It was well into the night and after curfew, and Shouta didn't remember he asked Uraraka for anything, so the girl should know she's not allowed to be there right now.
"Why is she in there, Yagi? Did you ask her to come?" Shouta asked quietly, nearing the blonde. "She said she heard young Midoriya yell at me and wanted to see if he was okay" whispered back the tall man. "She couldn't possibly hear him from her room in the girls' section, Yagi." Shouta waved for Yagi to stand behind him as he opened the door quietly.

What they saw inside will haunt them for the rest of their lives. The moment Aizawa opened the door, Toshinori knew he had failed his student. Yes, he had let down his beloved successor.
Young Midoria laid in bed unconscious, barely breathing, a tube piercing his forearm. It didn't seem like an IV, more like a tube that suck the kid's blood out. The boy was very pale, shivering, a pained expression on his face.
Aizawa gasped in front of Toshinori, staring at the girl. It wasn't young Uraraka there, no. It was a slightly taller, blonde haired and naked girl, her hair tied in two buns. The girl held the jar at the end of the tube, collecting young Midoriya's blood.
She turned to look at the teachers, her face amused and scared at the same time. "Himiko Toga!" Aizawa exclaimed, his capture weapon already thrown at the girl. But she was quick on her feet, she ripped the tube out of Midoriya's arm, his blood drops scattering around him, and sprinted to the window.

The sound of shuttered glass was what caught Aoyama's attention. He woke up, rubbing at his eyes slowly. Where did the noise come from? He heard voices from the direction of Midoriya's room, and gathered his courage to get there and check what was it all about.
When he reached Midoriya's door it was opened, and he saw All Might was there, tending to his sick classmate. Blood drops were smeared everywhere in an unpleasant way around Midoriya.
"What happened, All Might?" Aoyama asked, his voice a bit strangled by fear. "Young Aoyama! I need your help, come here" the man motioned for him to come closer to Midoriya's bed.

Aoyama wasn't sure he wanted to approach the bed, but couldn't defy his teacher. He got closer, taking a good look at Midoriya. His hand had an oval open wound in it, which was bleeding heavily, too much for such a small wound. It must have pierced a big vain then.
"H-how can I help?" Aoyama asked quitly. He glanced at the taller blonde, searching for answers. "Please address the wound, I think young Midoriya had a first aid kit somewhere around here..." he replied, rummaging through Midoriya's stuff in his drawer.
All Might delved between the greenette's clothes in the closet until he said "a-ha!", pulling a small red box and handing it to Aoyama's shaky hand.
It took a few more minutes until Midoriya's hand was bandaged. "All Might, could you tell me what had happened here? Why is the window broken?"

Toshinori eyed the broken window, then young Midoriya, and only then did he look at young Aoyama. "The truth is, we have a trespasser here, my boy. That trespasser, she was right here in this room... Aizawa is after her though" he said, sighing. He slumped on the chair, exhausted.
"Oh... do you know who this trespasser is, by any chance?" Aoyama asked him curiously. The kid didn't seem scared anymore, which was strange considering it was young Aoyama. If he knew it was one of the villains from the League, will he be frightened? He was afraid of them before, during the summer camp... Toshinori decided not to find out.
"No, I don't know who this is" he responded, noticing the relieved face the kid was making. Something felt off, but what was it exactly?

*A note from me! I wasn't sure how to continue this story, but one of the readers here made a comment that really inspired me for the course of plot! So thank you a lot, @Queenofobsession12 (is it possible to tag here? I'm such a technophobe...)
Anyways, hope you guys keep on reading and enjoying this story, I'll try to upload more frequently~*

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