It Was Worth It || Thomas

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Reya [RAY-uh] sat by the door of the maze as the sun began to peak over the walls. Sweet little Chuck's head lay in her lap, dead asleep. Reya stroked Chuck's curly hair as her light green eyes stared up at the rising sun with hope and fear. All she could think of was the impulsive, curious, and brave greenie: Thomas. She couldn't explain it but from the moment she had met Thomas, she knew there was something special about him. 


"Hey, uh, you're the only girl here, right?" the new greenie asked as he approached her.

"What? Oh- yeah," Reya had shrugged. She prepared herself for the inevitable flirting. Thomas surprised her as he simply asked, "Why?"

"Um-why what?"

"Why are you the only girl here?"

Reya had bit her lip. She had been wondering the same thing ever since she arrived in the glade a year ago.

"I don't know. Ask the creators," she said simply walking away.

"Wait!" the burnett shouted running after her. "What's your name?"

"Reya," she had answered. She had to admit, this boy was growing on her.

"That's a beautiful name," Thomas had said, rubbing his neck.

Much to her own astonishment, Reya felt herself blush. She had never done that before. "Thanks. Do you, uh, want to sit with me and my friends at dinner?"

"Um, sure," Thomas answered uneasily.



Reya looked up to from the weeds she was pulling to see Thomas bolting out of the deadheads before a crazed looking Ben tackled him to the ground. She, Newt, and Zart darted over to aid Thomas. Newt knocked Ben off Thomas with his shovel. As Newt and some other gladers went to hold Zart down, Reya placed Thomas's head in her lap. 

"Thomas, are you okay?" she asked worriedly. 

Thomas looked up at her ardently, "I'm fine." 

"Let's get you cleaned up," she said tenderly and helped Thomas to his feet. She grabbed his hand and lead him over the the medjack hut. As the medjacks cleaned Thomas's wound, Reya kept a firm hold on Thomas's hand. Not that Thomas minded, of course. 

"That looks nasty," Chuck noted, looking at Thomas's wound. 

"I told you we should amputate!" Jeff said. Thomas tensed and Reya gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. 

Clint just rolled his eyes, "Don't worry. He always wants to amputate." 


All the gladers stood outside the west door waiting for Minho and Alby to get back. Of course Thomas was asking a million questions. Newt did his best to answer calmly. 

"Look!" Chuck shouted.

Minho was dragging an unconciense Alby. Everyone shouted and encouraged Minho but it was clear he wouldn't make it. Thomas turned to Reya. 

"I'm sorry," he whispered and with that he darted into the maze as the doors shut.

>>End of Flashback<<

The sound of the scraping doors snapped Reya back into reality. Chuck was up in an instant and ran over to the doors. Half of the glade stood at the doors while the other half went about their morning, too afraid to look at the entrance of the maze. After a minute every one turned away. Reya felt tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"NO WAY!!!" yelled a glader. 

Reya turned around and stood frozen to the spot. Minho and Thomas, perfectly alive, were carrying Alby between them. Clint and Jeff took Alby and immediately Minho and Thomas fell to their knees from exhaustion. Reya ran at Thomas and collided his lips with hers. She placed her hands on Thomas's face, clinging to him desperately. Gladers gasped and Miho and Newt both chuckled. Thomas's eyes grew big. He soon melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around the blond haired girl. All the hopelessness of last night washing over him. He had thought he was going to die last night but he knew he couldn't, he knew he couldn't let her down. Thomas thought this kiss was impossible. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. The two finally broke away due to lack of air. The gladers whooped and hollered. Reya and Thomas both blushed a dark red. Reya looked down, away from Thomas. Thomas brought two fingers to her chin and lifted her face. The girl then wrapped her arms around him and clung to him tightly. 

"Don't ever scare me like that again," she whispered. 

"It was worth it for a kiss from you," Thomas replied.

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