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~Keilaya pov~

I was finally back at school being the bad bitch that I am

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I was finally back at school being the bad bitch that I am. I walked to my locker and opened it. I felt someone come up behind me I turned over my shoulder and it was Amir.

"Hey baby" Amir said he came and kissed my cheek.

I smiled and turned around and kissed his cheek.

"Welcome back to the hell hole" Amir said

"Yeah so happy to be back" I said sarcastically. Amir leaned against the locker next to mine and the girls came over to me.

"Welcome back Tyson" Sage said I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Thanks" I said laughing.

Then the boys came over to us Trey went to Tati, bull went to sage and Ermias to Mya and the rest was just there.

"Aye y'all need to find us some bitches" Zay said

I rolled my eyes "y'all on your own with that we don't got a lot of friends bitches don't like us" I said

"Yeah because y'all mean" Gabe said laughing

"That's not true we the nicest girls y'all ever met" sage said

"Yeah whatever" Rome said

I looked at Amir and watched what he was watching and I watched his eyes going across and his eyes was watching someone I looked at who he was looking at and it was nova. He was looking at nova.

That hurt my heart a lot because what was going on? Why was he looking at her like he was falling in love all over again?

"Amir?" I said he hesitated and then look at me.

"Wassup baby?" He said looking down at me smiling. Why the hell was happening I was losing my boyfriend before I even really had him.

I got my stuff and walked away. I was pissed now and I hope he knew I was and that I saw the entire thing. I went to my aunt office and my aunt star was there with her new baby girl Sasha the only normal name from the butterfly family.

"Hey aunties what's going on? Hi baby sasha" I said walking to her and smiling

"Why are you not in class?" Sky asked me

"Boy trouble and I need someone to listen to me" I said

"With Gio?" Aunt Storm asked me

"No amir, I think he's falling back in love with Nova" I said forcing myself not to cry.

"That's a pretty name" aunt sky said

"She's a pretty girl but we're enemies" I said

"Keilaya you are a beautiful girl with a great personality I think you and Amir need to talk to this out and see where both your heads are at" Storm said

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